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Glycine Anti Aging

27 Jan 2017

Fears of children: Do you need to contact a specialist?

Children's fears may be a cause of ridicule peers or excessive worry parents. But for the child of his fears - not a joke, but that interferes enjoy life and creates tension. Sometimes parents just ignore this problem and try even in any case not to comfort the child, not to enhance his experience, saying that such a silly to be afraid and ashamed. Will this strategy effective? Time, of course, will tell, but some parental issues already have ready-made answers.

If your child is 5-8 years, afraid of the night monsters, this may be the age norm. At this age, already quite violent fantasy, and children believe that all miracles are real. So childish fears are likely to have an explanation in the surrounding reality: fairy tales and cartoons with monsters, unusual appearance neighbor bullying "babaykoy". Today's children, it would seem, already hardened, can still be afraid of Baba Yaga. Especially impressionable will refuse to watch cartoons and read the book with a terrible character.

Described examples are included in the concept of "age-related fears." According to this classification it is considered the norm, when in six months, children are afraid of loud noises, in two years, they are afraid to move away from the mother, and in 9 years the child begins to scare height. Fear of death of the child is also directed to particular age: after three years, children actively asked about deceased relatives and are interested in what will happen to them and to the future parents. The attitude to the subject of death in the discussions with the children is very ambiguous. Yet most psychologists today believe that the complete concealment of information may give rise to a feeling of helplessness (frustration), and fears may degenerate into a phobia. Talk about the death of children need the truth that will shock them (the death of a serious illness, the death of the elderly, death of a loved pet). In religious families, this issue is solved much easier.

But, despite the fact that some fears are normal age, parents should not leave without attention this phenomenon. It may happen that happen fixing a child's fear - as a result of strong impressions, deliberate intimidation of other children or adults. Such fears are with a child much longer, sometimes even in adult life, a significant effect on his behavior and psychological state. Such fears are called neurotic and are a reason to turn to a psychologist or psychiatrist. Neurotic fears may be the result of excessive excitability of the nervous system, nervous exhaustion, stress response.

Children's fears are amenable to correction with the help of psychotherapy and medications to strengthen the nervous system. Hyperexcitability of the nervous system is a feature often metabolism when the body can not meet the high demand for glycine. The amino acid glycine is an effective adaptogen: improves the nutrition of nervous tissue, activates the braking increases the ability of nerve cells to process information, normalizes sleep. Therefore, doctors recommend taking children excitable glycine regularly.

Glycine anti aging drug can be applied continuously at any age, as it is natural for the body. Admission Glycine also activates the production of self-glycine in the nervous tissue, which has a positive impact on the future psychological development of the child.

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