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Glutamic Acid for Cardiovascular System

11 Feb 2017

Start the retirement age is not for everyone is the reason to retire, many people continue to work after 60, while remaining in their positions, and even continuing career. Still, age takes its toll, and compete with younger colleagues not always possible, even with a priceless experience. Therefore, working pensioners regularly experience stress that is associated with the uncertainty of their positions.

The retirement age is not for nothing is defined in its limits: from 55-60 years, the need for rest is growing as significantly reduced the rate of metabolic and regenerative processes, chronic diseases have an effect on overall health and hormonal changes affect emotions. Most adverse effects on health after age 60 have a night shift as the need to stay awake at night reduces the efficiency of an important process of daily recovery reduces the production of melatonin. Particularly strong negative impact on night shifts have heart and blood vessels. Doctors also recommend that upon the occurrence of the retirement age to leave the managerial position, but on the condition that you can rely on a quiet and pleasant new place of work. Sometimes giving up leadership positions is more stressful than the continuation of the work in the intense rhythm. Please pay attention to Vladonix.

Checklist for working pensioners

When you change jobs, choose the one where your useful knowledge and experience, but with less responsibility.

Do not try to recklessly compete with younger colleagues: their motivation and ability to adapt will still be higher, and you risk to health.

You do not have anyone to advise or work on probation, but if it gives you pleasure - you should not give up. Do not forget to ask for a premium for it or pay raises.

Try to avoid night shifts and overtime.

Be sure to take sick leave in case of illness; time to go on vacation

Have regular check-ups. Some try to avoid working pensioners medical examination at the enterprise, as they fear that their health status changes will be cause for dismissal. But as practice shows, if you want to dismiss, that excuse is the most unexpected. And the objective data about your state of health in the enterprise will be the basis for the formation of a safe mode of work for you

Take amino acids that strengthen the cardiovascular system. So you can increase your stamina, compensating load at work. Cystine, glutamic acid, glycine and help to improve metabolism in the myocardium, increasing tolerance to oxygen deficiency. This is an important prevention of heart disease, as well as the ability to lead an active lifestyle into adulthood without endangering their health. All three amino acids are in Eltacin preparation which is produced by modern technology and maximizes bioavailability of the active ingredients.

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