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Glutamic acid, Cystine, Glycine supplement from tachycardia

02 Mar 2017

To what doctor to go with tachycardia and chest pain

Palpitations and pain in the heart is not a joke to scare you, and you have decided to engage seriously in his health? It is advisable to consult a doctor and make sure that your life is not in danger, and frightening symptoms - it's just fatigue or IRR. In fact, to go to the doctors you once: you want to immediately know, to what expert, without losing time to write and stage.

Well, if you have the desire to seek the truth on their own, the situation is really not so serious.

When in cardiac symptoms need immediate medical attention?

Pressing, burning pain behind the breastbone

Pain in the heart and a headache at the same time

Pain in the heart, fainting / dizziness and weakness

Pain under the shoulder blade, pain in the left arm and deterioration of health

Interruptions in the work of the heart and dizziness / headache

Chest pain and difficulty inhaling

This is a list of the main symptoms, which usually indicates that the life is in danger, developing myocardial infarction or stroke, and requires emergency cardiac care. Self-medication and the delay in this case is a direct threat of life. An urgent need to call an ambulance.

Who put the diagnosis of heart palpitations?

Tachycardia - a symptom that may indicate a violation of the cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine system, can talk about the pathology of internal organs, infectious disease or have a psychogenic origin. Thus discomfort in the heart region may be expressed to varying degrees. This is a fairly common symptom, as any material breach of health status will affect the circulation.

Choose a specialist to be addressed with tachycardia, can be on the accompanying signs:

Tachycardia in infection coincides with periods of temperature increase

Heart palpitations with endocrine disorders usually have a permanent character, it may be accompanied by rapid weight loss and increased appetite

Acute condition requiring surgical care and causing tachycardia, usually associated with bleeding (public or internal) and is accompanied by pain at the site of damage, a sharp decrease in pressure, pallor, loss of consciousness

Attacks of tachycardia, accompanied by numbness of hands, unpleasant sensations in the heart, sweating and dry mouth are usually with vascular dystonia and are symptoms of a panic attack.

If you VVD, treatment can deal with both a cardiologist and a neurologist. Therefore, if you do not require emergency medical care, then you have a choice. The decision to consult another specialist will have to take the doctor to whom you refer.

Drug treatment of vascular dystonia is taking drugs that restore the balance in the regulation of autonomic functions. The most effective cure for attacks of tachycardia when the IRR is Eltacin. This drug, which is made up of amino acids, natural to the human body. Glycine, glutamic acid, cystine regulate the processes of energy formation in cells of the heart and the nervous system, help in time to deduce toxic substances.

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