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Glutamic acid, Cystine, Glycine supplement from headache

03 Mar 2017

What helps a headache when vascular dystonia

Dystonia, usually accompanied by headaches during weather change or after exhaustion, the heat or the cold. Morning headaches are usually associated with cardiovascular manifestations of dystonia. If a person wakes up suddenly with a VSD, an alarm clock, or sharp jumps out of bed, it risks to make the whole day a throbbing pain or heaviness in the head. The challenge is to find the right medication in these cases can not please everyone. Even with the same diagnosis of the causes of headache in different people may be different and are determined by the clinical form of autonomic dysfunction. And in order to work on the symptom, you need to understand what causes it.

How do you treat a headache?

The most common drugs used for headache NSAIDs. Simple analginum works fine, if a headache with SARS, or fatigue. Also, many drugs helps to relieve spasms of smooth muscle: No-spa, papaverine. When tension headaches, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, these drugs are often very effective. But what about those who suffer from vascular dystonia?

Conventional "pills from the head" at VSD help badly. Even if you manage to relieve the pain for a while, she will soon be back again. After all, the cause - autonomic dysfunction - has not disappeared. Taking a pill analgin, you just choke the symptom, not a disorder affecting itself. What is the nature of your dystonia: cardiovascular, psychogenic, asthenovegetative? The next time the tablet can not work, and you will find a new, stronger pain medicine, take it more frequently and in greater numbers. This situation is familiar to many, but in so doing you harm your health.

With help from a headache with dystonia?

Attempts to get rid of the symptoms without an integrated approach to the problem of VSD are ineffective, so essential medicines that would affect the very cause of the IRR. Acute pain can drown painkiller, but it is unnecessary to forget about the tools that will help you forget about the attacks for a long time, tools to improve the exchange created from amino acids the body related to nerve tissue and myocardium. Preparations Eltacin and glycine are the main treatment for VSD. Applying them at the same time, you are gently and naturally relieves symptoms of vascular dystonia, improving overall health. Eltacin consists of glutamic acid, cystine, glycine - amino acids that are normally synthesized in the body continuously. When the autonomic dysfunction of this mechanism is disrupted, and the flow of external amino acids can provide the processes of regeneration and oxidation. Glycine is an amino acid primary protective for the nervous system.

Glycine intake with Eltacin recommended in the case of regular headaches at VSD, especially in conditions of chronic stress and fatigue at work.

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