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Glicyne - How to speed up recovery after stroke

02 Feb 2017

A stroke called cerebral accident, and it completely gives an idea of how much this event affects a person's future life. Depending on the nature distinguish hemorrhagic brain injury and ischemic stroke. More than 80% of all cases of stroke associated with brain ischemia area, the other - with hemorrhage. Once the affected area of the brain is deprived of blood supply, begin here necrosis processes. Depending on what kind of area affected, stroke symptoms can vary.

Recovering from a stroke can take months or years, but it is important to start early rehabilitation activities after the stabilization of the patient, in the early post-stroke period. Treatment begins in the intensive care unit: drugs that are used at this time, are designed to reduce the intensity of the lesion and prevent the expansion of the necrotic zone, to reduce swelling of the affected part of the brain. In the first three to five days after a stroke is especially high likelihood of re-strike, so the patient is under the constant supervision of doctors.

Early rehabilitation begins in a few days, usually 6-8 days after brain catastrophe. At that time, doctors recommend massage of hands: light stroking relaxing spastic muscles and soft kneading movement to muscles that have lost tone. These actions help to restore motor function in a shorter period: to stimulate neurons, which functions can be restored, and those that will replace the functions of dead cells. In the future, the main method of physical rehabilitation is exercise therapy in the classic version or copyright. First, it is passive gymnastics as movement in the patient's limbs are made assistant. Once the patient can perform a minimal movement of your own, you need to give him the opportunity and be encouraged. Thus passive gymnastics gradually transformed into the active.

Recovery from stroke speech closely associated with restoration of swallowing function. To do this, apply a massage tongue and cheeks, massage the palms and fingers, facial exercises, work out pronunciation of sounds and words. Articulation can not completely return, but with each month, even in high-risk patients with a regular job and the right approach specialists will be visible progress.

Rehabilitation after a stroke is always more effective if it takes place in a specialized neurological center. In these institutions, as a rule, have all the necessary tools for the diagnosis, a full staff of specialists to support recovery. Also important experience of the doctor, who coordinates the recovery process, as the effects of a stroke may be less severe with timely connection to the rehabilitation scheme of the desired drug or physiotherapy.

Preparations for the recovery of brain function must intensify metabolic processes in neurons and satisfy their need for oxygen, which is particularly important in the early period. Early onset of use of neuroprotective agents and antioxidants helps to prevent cell death in the area, which borders the lesions, since then increases rapidly swelling. Thus, with the help of medications your doctor may reduce the effects of the brain and accelerate disaster recovery. Now in the process of treatment of stroke at all stages of actively using glycine - drug glicyne amino acids. In the early post-stroke period glycine binds aldehydes and ketones which are formed in large numbers in the hearth, and significantly reduces the degree of neuronal injury. Receipt of glycine molecules in the drug stimulates the brain's own production of glycine, which also helps to speed up the rehabilitation and quickly adjust all metabolic processes in the nervous tissue.

Restoration of metabolic processes in the brain helps to establish emotional and volitional. relatives and doctors are often faced with the fact that after a stroke a person does not want to change, does not want to make effort to re-learn to walk and talk. This is partly a psychological problem, but it is largely due to biochemical abnormalities in the brain. Glicyne helps regain motivation, improves emotional state, reduces irritability. You can buy Glycine. Application of Glycine in the acute phase, and prolonged use throughout the recovery period, justified by the fact that the drug has no contraindications and is an analogue of the amino acids, which is synthesized by the body.

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