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Ginseng Kianpi Pil

23 Nov 2016

Ginseng Kianpi Pil - the Chinese vegetable additive in capsules intended for strengthening of an organism and increase in muscle bulk. According to laboratory researches, the executed in Saudi Arabia Ginseng Kianpi Pil contains the forbidden strong substances. Very often fakes meet.

Declared effects

  • Increase in muscle bulk without side effects
  • Increase in endurance
  • Appetite strengthening
  • Postcourse restoration
  • Immunity strengthening
  • Increase in sports indicators
  • Improves digestion and absorption of nutrients


The strengthening Ginseng Kianpi Pil capsules consisting of collection of officinal herbs including the main ingredient - a ginseng. This medicine was developed on the basis of a long experience of clinical trials in the field of traditional Chinese medicine from carefully picked up herbs and extracts. Medicinal operation of these capsules is directed to general strengthening of an organism, its immune system, recovery in case of the postponed diseases and heavy physical activities, has corrective action on all vital systems and bodies. Medicine is applied both people with the weakened health, and athletes whose organism needs the corresponding support, it concerns also trainings and renewal period. The main components which entered the medicine "Tszyanpi-Kianpi" are given below. Better take Cogitum.

Further the short description of each vegetable component having improbable properties follows.

Structure of Ginseng Kianpi Pil

The main Ginseng Kianpi components according to data on a box (often differs depending on a source):

  • dudnik Chinese (dyagil) - 6%
  • girchevnik brilliant - 3%
  • Corditseps Chinese - 5%
  • the mountaineer multiflowered - 0,5%
  • gecko - 5%
  • cinnamon - 0,5%
  • gerpensis - 8%
  • pant - 6%
  • evkoma vyazolistny - 6%
  • ginseng - 10%
  • gastrodiya high - 3%
  • istod tokolistny - 5%
  • atraclitis with a large head - 3%
  • astragat huanch - 4%
  • rhizome of a diskorea Chinese - 3%
  • remaniye sticky - 3%
  • dereza Chinese (fruits) - 3%
  • nemarrgena asfodelinovidny - 2%
  • pariah kokosovidny - 3%
  • codonopsis melkovolosisty - 5%
  • kernels of a wild yuyuba (zizifus) - 5%
  • licorice ordinary (glycyrrhiza) - 2%

Release form: 60 short capsules in 1 bottle. White, or gray banks of various form meet.

It is contraindicated for acceptance by expectant mothers and babies.

Feedbacks of the expert

Opinion of the resounded Spasokukotsky

After long search of objective information it was succeeded to find source of data on an occasion of content of the forbidden substances. An original post from the Canadian forum:

Hi everybody. This is my first post here in this amazing web site .. while i was searching for kinapi through the internet i saw this post..

and i am from Saudi Arabia (middle East)

my country banned selling and using the kianpi because my country's ministry of health researched this product and they have found the following:

High amounts of CYPROHEP TADINE which is know as PERIACTIN and this substance is anti Histamine .. can do reversal effect when it used with similar sub's

it contains BETAMETHSONE .. side effects of this kidney's failure and bone disease and hair loss ..

contains ASARONE and it known as B-ASARONE .. causes CANCER and its banned by the FDA.

Based on that this product were banned in Saudi .. though .. im using it .. this is my first cycle .. i do excercise and im bulking actually .. and this product is miracle .. friends of mine gained weight with out gyming .. some thing like 9 KG in 2 weeks .. so im stalking this with russian bear 10.000 and NO Explode .. this is my second day .. so i will be up to date with u guys .. and inform u with all new effects .. if u guys are active enough to participate more in this thread so i dont look stupid

By search in the Arab Google language issues hundreds of results with confirmatory information. Prufa: here or here.

As far as it was succeeded to understand by means of the translator, Ginseng Kianpi Pil additive underwent medical licensing of 2056/7188/20 N of 28.06.1422 in the Central laboratory of medicines and food of its Excellency of Saudi Arabia (1758/0/27 number and date 05/14/1422 AH). By results it became clear that Ginseng Kianpi Pil contains:

High concentration of tsiprogeptadin (appetite stimulator, blocker of histamine receptors)

Beta metazones (glucocorticoid medicine, cortisol analog, allows to gain weight at the expense of fat, can cause acne rash).

Azaron - sedative with cancerogenic properties

Saudi Gazette also reports in 2012 that Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) strongly recommends to avoid additive in view of content of the forbidden substances and not to trust the declared description.

Considering a large number of counterfeits and different types of packaging (capsules) it is possible to assume that the structure significantly differs depending on a batch and a source. Judging by feedbacks, additive has the expressed anabolic effect and significantly stimulates appetite, however many note a considerable surplus of fatty weight and acne rash that is characteristic of glucocorticoids. The analysis of structure allows to draw a conclusion that at the expense of the listed vegetable components of similar effects it is impossible to achieve. Besides that these ingredients very often join in various additives which are incomparable on activity with Ginseng Kianpi Pil. In many respects, positive reviews extend distributors who are easy for distinguishing by small quantity of posts and active promotion of products.

Thus, purchasing Ginseng Kianpi you receive the praised pig in a poke. How effective and safe will be additive it is impossible to determine.

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