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Former Olympian: My favorite sport may cease to be an Olympic because of Doping

17 Aug 2016

The doping scandal, most of all to reflect on Russia, undermined confidence in the purity of many sports. Including - in the weightlifting. And it worries the Latvian Minister of Defence and former Olympian weightlifter-Raymond Bergmanis. That does not rule out that his beloved sport may cease to be Olympic.

"I look, as a former weightlifter, very hard at what the situation was in our discipline. I do not exclude the possibility that it is not in Tokyo, but after it, weightlifting may cease to be an Olympic sport, "- said Bergmanis.

He noted that none of the sports still would not arise a situation where all the blood samples taken during the Games in Beijing and London would give a positive result. However, it happened that way in weightlifting.

Meanwhile, the first Latvian athlete, got on application of Mildronate (Meldonium) - Arnis Rumbenieks who participates in the Olympic Games in Rio in race walking, believes that developed in Latvia, but banned Meldonium (mildronate) should take all athletes, health conscious.

Meldonium is an active substance of drug "Mildronate", that was developed in Latvia. It was on the list of banned substances as of January 1 this year. After checking its presence was detected in many world-class athletes, including tennis superstar Maria Sharapova.

This afternoon, the theme of doping scandal continued, when the International Olympic Committee made the decision on the dismissal of Russian Paralympic competitions. Moscow has already stated that this measure will be challenged in court.

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