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20 Jan 2017

Fitomutsil isn't means for weight loss, but the effect of loss of weight is present at most of patients. The matter is that this medicine is positioned as light depletive. Fitomutsil is manufactured in Great Britain according to the GMP standards.


Peel of seeds of a plantain of block (Plantago psyllium) of 5 g,

fruits of plum of home (Domestica prunus) of 1 g

Together these components are a source of food fibers. Besides that they stimulate a vermicular movement, fibers can be useful also in fight against excess weight. Incorporating liquid, they inflate and occupy space, filling the free volume of a stomach. It creates feeling of satiety for some time, reducing appetite and allowing to eat less. You can also like Semax.

Laxative effect of fitomutsil very soft. Stabilization of work of a digestive tract requires several days of regular reception of additive, at the same time, the organism just gradually fixes the mechanism of release of intestines without unplanned losses of liquid, valuable electrolytes and nutrients.

Fitomutsit reviews of additive

Fitomutsil's reception gives small effect in weight loss. Nutritionists make a reservation that for bigger result it is necessary to combine his use with physical exercises and observance of a diet. In that case it is possible to achieve "plumbs" on average minus 3-4 kg in a month though there are noticeable shifts from this size: both in one, and in other party.

The number of the lost kilograms depends on a diet and intensity of occupations that allows to draw an important conclusion: performance of all these "additional" actions actually has key value in weight loss process course, and more likely Fitomutsil is addition to a diet and exercises, than on the contrary.

Responses of the nutritionist

The practicing nutritionist Zueva Elena

Fitomutsil is good only as soft laxative. It is no secret that on diets, especially extreme, quite often there are locks. Here it is also useful to you fitomutsit, but to expect that he will help to lose weight and will disperse a metabolism, silly. Remember, laxative and diuretic doesn't help to lose weight. And in certain cases even disturbs. If you keep to a vegetable diet and feel a problem with locks, buy fitomutsit. But as soon as process will be adjusted, refuse medicine reception, otherwise you risk to do irreparable harm to the organism.

Side effects

According to the instruction, side effects when using means don't arise. However it is necessary to remember that at the wrong use of dietary supplement locks can develop.

Fitomutsil has small positive effect on process of disposal of excess weight. Thanks to simple structure and non-interference to course of physiological processes, it can be considered one of the safest means for weight loss. However, as well as in other cases, reception of dietary supplement doesn't cancel other efforts directed to achievement of normal weight.

Fitomutsil Slim Smart

Fitomutsil Slim the Smart is a part a peel of seeds of a plantain (Plantago Psyllium) 4.5g; glyucomannan 0.5g.

Actually, weight reduction happens thanks to a diet. Without restrictions in food acceptance Fitomutsil Slim the Smart doesn't make a sense. Fitomutsil Slim the Smart is means for weight reduction which works thanks to availability in structure of 5 grams of cellulose. The main mechanism of action is an oppression of hunger. Additive allows to transfer easier a low-calorie diet, but has no direct fat-burning effect. As a part of nothing supernatural or innovative isn't present – only insoluble food fibers contain there.

Efficiency evaluation and the declared effects:

Affirms that additive oppresses appetite. There are no claims to this statement. Really, when 5 grams of insoluble food fibers and 0.5 liters of liquid get into your stomach, doesn't getting hungry any more. Cellulose absorbs water and inflates. It stretches stomach walls. At the same time mechanoreceptors which signal in a brain about saturation are activated. When the stomach is complete, getting hungry less. As a result the meal will be more modest if only you don't begin to push in yourself food with a great effort.

The instruction and the official site of additive say that additive Fitomutsil Slim the Smart blocks digestion of fats and carbohydrates. It is a lie. Cellulose only slows down splitting and absorption of nutrients, but doesn't block these processes. Therefore, this mechanism of action is invented.

The last effect which is presumably exerting impact on weight is a decrease in caloric content of food. Sounds beautifully, but it is no more than cheap manipulation. You can take 5 grams of a product with nutritional value of 500 kcal / 100. Add 5 grams of cellulose there, and caloric content will decrease exactly twice – now it will constitute 250 kcal / 100. But on the same logic the caloric content of candies can be reduced if to wash down them with water. Average nutritional value will be small, but it is obvious that the absolute number of the calories which arrived in an organism will remain invariable.


Most of people if to trust feedbacks, are quite happy with effect of additive Fitomutsil Slim the Smart. However, in the comments growing thin generally speak not about weight reduction, and about clarification of intestines. As they learned that their intestines were cleared of toxins and slags – a riddle. Other reasons of positive reviews: natural structure; regular acceptance Fitomutsil Slim the Smart helps in case of locks; appearance improvement; weight reduction on 3-5 kilograms. The abundance of positive reviews is a consequence of competent strategy of promotion of medicine. His producers pay people who under the guise of regular visitors of the website leave comments of advertizing nature under articles. In such a way sales of many additives having doubtful efficiency or a predatory price increase.

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