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Female bodybuilding

08 Dec 2016

Classical female bodybuilding (Women Bodybuilding) - the nomination according to IFBB (now it is renamed into Women Physique), FBBR and other federations. Participants of a division of female classical bodybuilding have huge volumes of muscles and the expressed relief. As a result of use of high doses of anabolic steroids as a rule all participants show the expressed masculanization symptoms, including a rasping voice, an atrophy of mammary glands (almost at all implants), a clitoris hypertrophy, male features, etc. At most of athletes head hair thin and even the baldness on men's type is observed.

Women Physique

Because most of athletes bodybuilding of the IFBB division had extremely repellent appearance and reminded men, instead of Women Bodybuilding in 2013 Women’s Physique was created. Began to give preference in competitions to more attractive girls, without obvious male features. Volumes of muscles became less, great demands on relief are placed and high doses of androgenic and other anabolic agents therefore most of athletes a rasping voice, has thoracal implants (in a type of an atrophy of own) are still used, persons begin to gain male lines.

The history of female bodybuilding

The female bodybuilding as independent discipline began to develop at the beginning of the XX century. In 1965 the first competition "Miss Universe" is held, however it there were hardly full-fledged bodybuilding competitions. "Ms. Teloslozheniye" stood in the same row with "Ms. of America" and was more connected with external appeal of women, and less with muscles.

The first tender which judged women according to standards of bodybuilding took place in 1978. 1980 was marked by opening of the first national competitions by National committee on physical development (NPC), the first female nomination in the most important tender among bodybuilders "Mr. Olympia" was the same year carried out. Since then many girls and women with passion work for achievement of this title of world value - "Ms. Olympia". Please pay attention to Prostalamin.

In the mid-eighties the sport receives great popularity thanks to advertizing and, strangely enough, the Playboy magazine. One contestant was even disqualified for 1 year for a posing for this magazine, but the naked photoshoot brought invaluable benefit for this sport, having shown tremendous results of bodybuilding.

In 2007 women learned to combine a graceful constitution with the optimum number of muscles. Contestants in the nomination "Female Bodybuilding" in case of all to the commitment and force remain all the same women therefore the attention to their muscle bulk is less noticeable, than in men's competitions.

The first record by the number of victories in the tender "Ms. Olympia" was set up by the 6-fold owner of a figurine Kori Everson. Only Lenda Murray who 8 times rose by top of "Olympus" could overtake it (in 2003 last time).

Tendencies of 21 centuries note decrease in interest in female bodybuilding therefore also cash support of sponsors moves down. In recent years promptly popularity of competitions in fitness increases. These changes even pushed quadruple "Ms. Olympia" Kim Chizhevski to dump muscle bulk and to switch to fitness competitions.

Muscular potential

Testosterone level in a female and male body differs, approximately by 15 times testosterone level at women is lower than level at men. However it doesn't mean that as a result of trainings of the woman less muscles gather. Actually, sometimes women gather even more muscles and forces. And though initially at started trainings of men more muscle bulk and power, relative surpluses of result don't depend on a floor.

Researches concerning metabolism of protein show that women create as much muscle protein after the trainings in case of adequate food, as well as men. Actually, one research showed that in case of the same muscle bulk at women more muscle protein, than at men is formed.

According to researches the muscle bulk of female athletes constitutes 85% from men's (weightlifting and powerlifting). These 15% of distinction are explained by the following factors:

Genetically higher level of fat. The woman needs 12% of fat for regulation of hormones, and the man only of 3%.

The underestimated expectations. In the well-known research people to whom said that they on steroids, received excellent progress in power indicators.

Women in sport much less than men. Lower the competition, is less scope of potential sportswomen.

Testosterone differently affects men and women. Experiments on animals showed why high testosterone isn't obligatory for development of muscles in women. Factors of growth of the IGF-1 type and hormone of growth take its place. The IGF-1 level is identical, and here growth hormone at women is produced about 3 times more. That it is even more everything to confuse sex hormones and factors of growth interact and these hormones also interact with genes.

Thus, to say that women can't gain muscle bulk because of rather lower level of testosterone, definitely incorrectly.

Many underestimate an estrogen role in sport though hormone positively influences abdominal inventories of fat, and also has some more useful properties:

Estrogen helps with recovery of muscles.

Estrogen has anticatabolic activity and helps to avoid loss of muscles.

Estrogen protects sheaves, bones and sinews from injuries.

As women produce much more estrogen, than men, it gives them certain benefits. Women not so quickly are tired and are quicker recovered.

Distinctions of trainings in female and men's bodybuilding

Distinctions between regular men's and women's bodybuilding trainings generally consist in emphases on the studied muscles, frequency and intensity of accomplishment of exercises. For the rest men's and female organisms equally react to trainings, and muscles are created with use of identical methods.

Distinctions between regular trainings for those girls who just wants to remain in shape, and professional women's bodybuilding trainings are also insignificant.

The program of trainings for women who just wants "to tighten" muscles and to remain in a general good form, and for bodybilders will be similar. Process of forming of a beautiful body, reduction of buttocks, a press and hips during a beach season and process of bodybuilding are identical. The bodybuilding is and there is a process of creation of an ideal figure, just professional bodybuilders are engaged in it longer and stronger.

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