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Fat Blockers

25 Oct 2016

Fat Blockers is a type of sports additives and pharmaceuticals which are applied to depression of body weight. The most frequent component of blockers of fats is Chitosan.

Blockers of fats have the similar mechanism of action with blockers of carbohydrates, namely: it is irreversible are bound to fats, interfering with their digestion, block a lipase - enzyme which splits fats, increase viscosity of gastric contents, complicating evacuation. Do not forget take Meldonium for better results.

Researches confirm that chitosan can block fats in 6-7 times more of a body weight.

Sports delivery

  • Cheaters Relief from BSN
  • Thermoloid from Goliath Labs
  • FBlock from Absolute Nutrition

The pharmacology

The most potent blocker of fat now - medical supply Orlistat (Orsoten or Xenical) who blocks enzyme a lipase.

Side effects

Blockers of fats aren't soaked up in a blood and practically don't cause collateral reactions. The individual intolerance, and also a digestive disturbance as a result of high content of undigested fats in fecal masses is seldom possible. Besides perhaps insufficient entering in an organism of unsaturated fats - the Omega-3 and vitamins, however it is observed only in case of Orlistat's use. Observe instructions and the regimen of dosage specified by the producer.

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