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06 Dec 2016

Goryanka Korean (Epimedium koreanum Nakai.) is a perennial grassy plant of family of barberry (Berberidaceae). In Russia it meets only in the south of Primorsky Krai. Besides, grows in Japan, Korea, Northeast China. With the medical purpose use an elevated part (grass). The main active ingredient - ikariin, is used as aphrodisiac and an anabolic agent.


Goryanka Korean contains flavonoids and their glycosides (Quercetinum, ikarizid, ikariin, andihydroikariin - 3-O - a - L - ramnozid, epimedina of A, B, C, epimedozid, ikarizozid A-2-O - ramnozid, ikarizid I-2´ '-ramnozid). Besides, an elevated part contains alkaloids and saponina. An underground part concludes steroids (b-Sitosterin, b - Sitosterin - About - b - D - glucopiranozid, campesterin, kampesterin - About - b - D - glukopiranozid) and the highest aliphatic hydrocarbons (nonakozan, N-gentriakontan). Upon the demand of the Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China (2000) the general maintenance of ikarizid (C33H40O15) in a dry grass of a goryanka Korean in terms of solid shouldn't be less than 0,5%. You can also like Testalamin.

Goryanka grass is applied long since in China as aphrodisiac (estrogenic and gonadotropic), musculation of uterus and the diuretic toning at psychasthenia, reducing. In the Chinese and Korean medicine drugs from a grass prescribe for intensifying of a sexual potency, and also at anemia, sleeplessness, a psychasthenia, a heart failure and as the agent facilitating labors. Apply at an impotency, wet dreams, delicacy of extremities, a rheumatic or rhematoid arthralgia (joint pain) with stupor and contracture (reduction) of muscles, and also at a climacteric hypertonia.

The most important component of a goryanka is ikariin. This flavonoid is capable to inhibit the activity of enzyme phosphodiesterase-5A1 controlling blood supply of a penis to similarly known drug Viagra, but unlike the last has no negative side effects. Ikariin enlarges production of nitrogen oxide (NO), improving a circulation in muscles at the expense of what transport of nutrients and oxygen accelerates. It is easily bound to androgenic receptors and works like Testosteron-Depotum, stimulating body height of muscle bulk. Ikariin stimulates body height of osteoblasts in this connection, promotes strengthening of bones.

Besides, in animal experiments the goryanka Korean has shown the expressed antioxidant, antidepressant and nootropic action.

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