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Endure pain is barbarism

16 Apr 2017

Why suffer pain is barbarism, what are the top 3 reasons for referring to doctors, and why do people eventually have to just "eat tablets" .

Here is a comment I had in one of the social networks: "Mom's strong exhausting headaches. Three years to which only doctors she was born: neurologists, therapists; MRI, ultrasound, etc. No one offered a coherent treatment regimen, unfortunately! I will be glad of any recommendation. "

What kind of recommendation can there be? Of course, we must go to the doctor. And after all this, I will not be surprised at the sarcastic grin on the faces of many. Well, they deserve it. Now let's understand.

Pain in the back, head, joints - this is the top 3 reasons why people turn to doctors. At us the problem of pain of the doctor is engaged for a long time, for this theme groups of enthusiasts are taken, and for some reason there is still no nation-wide approach. Please pay attention to Phenotropil.

There is nothing to be surprised at. After all, we usually have every specialist looking for a patient "his". I call this "psychotherapy". The patient with pain in the chest, for example, from the neurologist moves to the cardiologist, thence to the pulmonologist. It can go on for a long time. At this time the patient stops believing in medicine, the pain does not stop, he gets it, and he does not know what to do with it. When you can not tolerate pain, he begins to heal independently.

And here it is important to understand that the pain itself is not a disease, but a symptom of a disease. That is, we must go from the opposite. Do not stifle the pain with pills and injections, and pain assess and build assumptions about what kind of character it is. And it happens that pain is the only symptom.

How meticulously the doctor will conduct the examinations, will reveal the causes of the pain, determine the disease, the health depends, and sometimes the life of the patient. It is impossible to fully anesthetize a person until we determine the cause of the pain, their localization and type. Therefore, before you fight pain, recommend anesthesia, you need to find out what the body is trying to tell you.
The strangest pain in Russia is the headache. No one takes it seriously. It is not a cause for concern and an excuse for leaving work. Even a joke such is "what is there to hurt, there is also a bone".

People treat the headache themselves. Kilograms drink antispasmodics. A friend of mine says "now we'll eat pills and feel better."

Spasmolytics help someone, some do not. As a result, pain occurs time after time, becomes chronic. If you compare acute pain and chronic pain, then acute pain is a brochure, and chronic is a multi-volume, such as "War and Peace".

Such pain is increasingly manifested, more worried and people begin to drink painkillers more often. As a result, the pain develops into a medicamentally induced: a person takes an anesthetic every day, and the headache arises from the use of drugs. Five tablets of aspirin and ten tablets of citramone, ketanov per day - this is the largest dose in my memory. At the same time, people do not understand that they drink tablets, which already cause a headache.

Some people say: "I do not even consider it". I took a pill - passed, after two hours my head got sick - I took it again. And so for years: we treat ourselves, we earn medication-induced pain. Regarding the reception of tablets, everything is individual, but the general norm, not dangerous for health, is as follows: two tablets of anesthetic per day no more than twice a week.

Or another very common reason for contacting doctors in Russia is chest pain. It can be caused by intercostal neuropathy. Unhappily sighed or turned, there was a mechanical trauma, inflammation and edema, because of this a pain arose. There are many reasons for the pain in the back. Take painkillers or not - today the issue is debatable. But to endure the pain today, I believe, barbarism. How is this possible with a huge arsenal of drugs and an anesthetic technique? Anesthesia, of course, is a personal choice of each: this or that drug has side effects.

Interesting attitude to human pain. It can be formed by three components: perception through the nerve endings, carrying out and interpreting the pain impulse in the brain. All of them are individual, respectively, and the feeling of pain is individual.
There are people who can abstract from suffering, but there are those who focus on them, and thereby strengthen them. If a person wants to experience pain, he will experience it.

These patients are in the competence of psychiatrists. I can assume that we are talking about the reception of pain: if a person is pleased, the perception of pain should provoke endorphins in the brain. That is, an association arises: you get pain - you get pleasure. Violation of the perception of pain, usually associated with a genetic or social factor. It can be an anxiety disorder, stress. The brain does not correctly perceive the pain impulses. Nothing happened to the man, but it hurts.

But they are not crazy, they are unfortunate people, and nobody understands them seriously. Everyone says that they invent illnesses and they need a psychiatrist. But pain is never imagined, pain is a fact.

One of the main problems today is an overestimated expectation of drug therapy. We will eat tablets and all will pass or take place? Not true. Treatment is necessary. And only complex treatment. On the one hand, the doctor must find and eliminate the cause of the ailment, and even surgical intervention is not ruled out. On the other hand, he should strive to reduce the patient's discomfort after the first admission. But for this, of course, you need a doctor.

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