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Emotions and Glottogonic

09 Dec 2016

Psychologist Dr. Doping tells about coding emotions, their origin and means of commenting.

The question of the origin of human language, or Glottogonic, very interesting. On the basis of their previous studies, namely on the basis of numerous experiments, the four-dimensional spherical model of emotions has been developed, which is a good description of how a person experiencing emotions and perceptions of other people's emotions, and in different modalities - and the visual, and auditory. On the other hand, we develop methods for formal analysis of the audio signal that has been proposed and tested on human emotions - this is the principle of relative cross-frequency amplitude-variable coding of speech or audio signal. And the parameters of which have been isolated from the viewpoint of spectral characteristics were similar to human speech, emotional expressions of human speech and, for example, animal cries, monkeys and cats even. It turns out that emotions are innate to humans, common to distant our ancestors. Those lemurs and cats - it is very far evolutionarily. Even gibbons - 40 million years ago, our line broke, and with such animals as a cat home, even further.

This gives us grounds to speak about the species common base for human beings and animals for the manifestation of emotions. However, the question arises: how can articulate human speech originated, how it relates to emotions? In modern language, such as Russian, we have included the emotions - this prosodic characteristics of speech. That is, it is clear that we have words that mean certain things, have an objective value, but on the other hand, they have the pronunciation can be painted different emotions. This is what we saw in the case of short words "yes" and "no": they have a different meaning, and emotional expression may be the same, and vice versa.

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And in this connection there was a question of research is articulate speech sounds that are available in the Russian language, but who are not emotionally colored. That is the idea to try to analyze the emotions of the same procedures, to conduct a formal analysis of sounds and subjective analysis, that is to build a space of subjective perception of speech sounds, and even those that do not seem to have to contain emotions. Then it will become clear whether there are any additional features in the speech, which appeared in the course of evolution, or it works somehow differently. And this was, in fact, an experiment, where was used a large set of audio samples, such as sounds, - 46 samples, including 6 vowels ( "a", "o", and so forth), 36 consonants ( "b", " n "and so on), and 4 diphthong. In this experiment, 17 test subjects participated. The essence of the experiment was that the pair were presented all sorts of combinations of these stimuli (of 1035 was such pairs) and people evaluated the degree of difference between these objects. And then using the method of multidimensional scaling was evaluated subjective dimension of space, we interpret the axes.

Speaking about the structure of the Russian language sounds can recall the various theories that suggest that there are a different number of distinctive features. We relied on the theory of Wolf Jakovljevic Plotkin, which allocated 11 Kinnock. It neomotoric theory, in which the Russian language is characterized by 11 kinokemami, kinokemnymi oppositions. In other languages, there may be a different number. As a result, we can report the following results: an objective analysis of speech sounds was conducted and it was discovered that there are only four factors stand out. Their spectral response was surprisingly exactly the same as we previously allocated for the emotional parameters. That is, the words "yes" and "no", for example, with different emotions are exactly the same composition as the sound of "a", "b", "c", which were uttered neutral, without any expression of emotion. And there are no other significant factors Neshumova was not there in the sounds of speech. Nevertheless, the data of subjective analysis allowed us to estimate the dimension of this space in 15 axes.

And interestingly it turned out that there is a system of four like primary parameters and conditionally suspended eleven secondary parameters. And then it would be possible to interpret the first four parameters. It turns out that a very high correlation between the subjective values of these four axes and objective parameters. And the remaining 11 parameters correspond to the 11 most kinokemam that were theoretically predicted. It turns out that, formally, in the sound of only four parameters, but on the subjective perception of them even eleven and four. How to obtain the other eleven? There are certain patterns change. For each of the 11 Kinnock were allocated their patterns of change, and it is, in fact, is the material basis of the fact that the human ear can distinguish between 11 different types of sounds which are typical for the Russian language.

It can be concluded that, firstly, the subjective space built, held a formal analysis of sounds. As a result, we can assume that the system of speech sounds of the modern Russian language contains emotional parameters detected in human speech, and that of modern apes, and based on them. It turns out that the human tongue can occur as a complication of emotional communication that corresponds to the old theory of interjections even Rousseau and his followers. Accordingly, it is in good agreement with observations of children, for example, that, in fact, a child aged 3 to 7 years, mastering speech, in fact, possessed and emotions. That is, he learns to artificially express their emotions, they become aware, and this little man starts them as if artificially manipulated, strum.

If this hypothesis is true, then we can conclude that, in fact, articulate speech is a curtailment of certain patterns of emotional expression. And thus it is clear that in other languages can be the same. And in the modern Russian language, we can see the preservation of this common emotional basis. That is, four parameters are sufficient, and they are the same, that when expressing human emotions, and the same as that of monkeys. Therefore, we can assume that our ancestor in the transition from ape to man patterns were. And then they have formed different languages on different principles. Perhaps it was necessary as a means of commenting. And then you can understand why there was a language and on what basis it developed.

What distinguishes human language from animal signals? For example, the intention. For what purpose does it exist? I agree with the opinion, that it's actually for commenting the situation. And what can we comment? First of all emotions. For example, we have experienced some emotion, some situation, we come to another place, when it is a different situation. And as we have other members of our community, or monkey or human herd has primitive society characterize the situation? We can lose these emotions. There can be a lot to speculate further and say that there is a pointing gesture, which we try to convey the emotion in the object begins to emerge designation items, some shortcuts. And then you can already mark the whole situation. That is, emotion - it is such a convenient item on the basis of which can be described as anything but more is needed conventionality agreement. In some cultures, taken here as denoted in the other - in a different way. So we get different languages. And Comparative says, when possible, by comparing the currently existing languages.

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