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Eltacin at Orthostatic Collapse

07 Feb 2017

Orthostatic hypotension in adolescents

Why teen faints? The reasons for this may be a few, but if your baby is healthy, then it's probably - orthostatic collapse. Its cause - drop in blood pressure and a sharp outflow of blood from the brain, and disconnection of consciousness at the same time is a defensive reaction.

Orthostatic collapse - a loss of consciousness immediately after the adoption of the vertical position of the body: if you stand from a prone position, or even sitting in full view. If it happens in the morning, due to the vagal effect on vascular tone and heart rate, which is characteristic of the sleep state. Adolescents also fainted due to the physiological characteristics of the age.

Why teen faints

Often orthostatic collapse is a consequence not only a sharp decline in blood pressure, and reduce it to a critical level on the background of constant hypotension. In the period of active growth, many teens suffer from low blood pressure, because large vessels and the heart does not have time to grow as fast as the skeleton and muscles. Pumps up the blood from the lower extremities to the head at the same time difficult as to keep blood pressure constant. Sex hormones, to which the body of a teenager only adapts now, have a relaxing effect on the vascular wall, and it impairs the return of blood to the heart.

When autonomic dysfunction (IRR) dysregulation of vascular tone at the teenager often causes hypotension and orthostatic collapse. Dystonia strengthens the manifestation of all the above factors, and reduces the body's ability to adapt to them.

Orthostatic collapse should be treated, or grow?

Expectant position at regular fainting does not justify itself. Sooner or later, the teenager grows up and the regulation of all functions return to normal. But syncope significantly complicate the life of the child deprived of opportunities to play sports and be active. Poor circulation leads to oxygen starvation of the brain, which reflects poorly on the school. In the absence of long-term vascular dystonia treatment fixes corrupted mechanisms of regulation and further negative impact on the general health and the functioning of the brain. Please pay attention to Hepatamin.

Treatment orthostatic collapse includes physical therapy and taking medication that improves vegetative regulation. It is not recommended Intensive exercise, because after an unusually high tension may be overcompensation, which will lead to further reduction of blood pressure.

Improve metabolism in tissues and gently adjust the autonomic regulation makes prolonged use of the amino acid cystine, glycine, glutamic acid. During active growth amino acids support facilitates the body's adaptation to the new conditions. Cystine, glycine and glutamic acid are part of Eltacin drug, which is recommended from 12 years to correct vascular dystonia and facilitate the transition of adolescents.

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