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Drugs with Glutamic Acid for Heart Disease

11 Feb 2017

When the heart of a child in need for help?

Heart problems in children can be a long time do not show any symptoms, or the child can simply ignore. Typically, changes in the state of children's health becomes a parent, but in time to find out what the problem is in the heart, does not always work. Most often, children are exposed to diseases of the heart, which are a consequence of physical overload, bacterial and viral infections, but a considerable part of them constitute congenital malformations, which are usually diagnosed in utero.

Symptoms that may indicate cardiac problems in the child

Fatigue, weakness, drowsiness and desire to sleep instead of playing in their spare time

Pale, uneven complexion, bluish or greenish tint lips, bruising around the eyes

Cough with expectoration in the morning, which is not associated with infections, shortness of breath

Discomfort in the chest after exercise

Dizziness and fainting

Apparent eye throbbing neck vessels

Delayed physical development

At the reception to the cardiologist

From the child's heart condition largely depends on his physical development, as suffering from a lack of oxygen and energy in inefficient blood circulation organs and tissues, and thus can not fully carry out its functions. You can also like Bonothyrk.

In order to spot cardiac pathology, it is necessary to show the child's cardiologist per year for checkups and every time to check heart after infectious diseases that occur at a high temperature and a violation of the general condition. For example, influenza may produce complications heart, angina, which was treated at home without antibiotics can lead to rheumatic heart and vascular lesions.

Treatment of heart disease in children - a long and complicated process, often requiring surgical intervention. Regular intake of drugs helps the heart recover gradually. But you can never change their own appointments or to interrupt the course without the consent of the attending physician. Without adequate treatment, many children's heart problems are compounded by rapidly.

Comprehensive treatment and prevention

Heart failure is a child may be caused by various diseases and often develops without treatment, and the absence in the treatment necessary to prevent preparations.

One of the drugs that is recommended for children with heart problems as part of the treatment is a complex of cystine, glutamic acid and glycine - Eltacin. Amino acids enhance trophic processes in myocardium myocytes help operate without damage at low oxygen concentrations, that when there is insufficient blood circulation and increased load significantly prevented the development of heart failure.

Eltacin recommended at age 12, his long-term use does not have any adverse effects since the drug consists of the natural amino acids for the body components.

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