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Dosage of peptides

18 Aug 2017

The effect of each peptide drug included in the group of specialized sports nutrition, directly depends on its dose (the concentration of the active substance in the organ or tissue of the target). Therefore, to achieve the maximum expected effect, it is necessary to carefully read the instructions and, in order to obtain an individual course, correctly calculate the dosage of peptides.

How to calculate the dose of peptides

When starting calculations, it should be taken into account that the amount of active substance does not depend on the volume of the solvent. That is, if 5 mg of the product contained in one bottle is dissolved in 1 ml of water for injection, a solution containing all the same 5 mg of the substance will be obtained. When dissolved in 2 ml of liquid, the dosage of peptides will remain unchanged, and only the concentration will change (in 1 ml it is 2 times higher than in 2 ml).

In accordance with the standard formula, 1 kg of body weight of the athlete requires 1 μg of dry matter. In order to calculate peptides in units (graduation of an insulin syringe), you need to determine the amount of solvent. By dissolving 5 mg of lyophilized powder in 1 ml of liquid, a solution containing 5000 μg of substance will be obtained. In the insulin syringe, 100 units = 50 divisions = 1 ml. Taking into account the standard, 1 μg per 1 kg of weight, making a simple calculation, we get the ratio: 5000 μg per 5000 kg of weight. That is, an athlete weighing 100 kg needs 100 μg of the drug. This is 2 units, or one division of an insulin syringe. If the amount of the solvent is increased to 2 ml, the concentration of the active substance will decrease by a factor of 2, that is, 4 units or 2 divisions of the syringe will be introduced, and 6 volumes (3 divisions) will be required if the volume is reduced to 3 ml.

Thus, when calculating the dose of peptides, the following factors are taken into account: the amount of dry product, the amount of solvent and the volume of a single injection. The last indicator, depending on the structure and mechanism of action of the drug, is almost always indicated in the instructions.

Optimal dosages of popular peptides

GHRP 2: 2 μg per 1 kg of body weight. If the dosage is increased to 3 μg, this does not particularly affect the result, but there is an increased load on the somatotropic target cells. As a consequence, with time the sensitivity of receptors weakens and the effectiveness of the drug is noted.

GHRP 6: 1.5 μg per 1 kg of body weight. With an increase in the dose of up to 3 μg per kg, no significant improvement is observed, but also, due to increased loading, the receptors become less sensitive to the peptide, which leads to a decrease in its effectiveness.

Ipamorelin: 1 mcg per 1 kg of body weight.

Mechanical growth factor MGF / PEG MGF: 100-200 μg 2-3 times a week.

Gonadorelin: 1-2 mcg per 1 kg of body weight.

Calculation of the number of daily injections

On average, peptides are completely metabolized in the body for 3.5 hours, that is, ideally they should be administered 7 times a day. However, the constant stimulation of target cells leads to degradation of the receptors. Therefore, the maximum allowable number of injections should not exceed 4 times per day (subject to the standard dosage, 1 μg per 1 kg of body weight).

According to experts, the most optimal is the three-fold use of peptide drugs. In the morning, after waking up, then, at the end of strength training (not earlier than 3 hours after the first injection), and before bedtime. Ideally, injections should be done on an empty stomach. The three-time regime of peptides consumption will allow the body to use fats and carbohydrates as energy material, without involving protein compounds in the catabolic process.

The duration of the course application should not exceed 10 weeks. Those who wish to make the course longer (when combining amino acid products with anabolic androgenic steroids or their use during the period of PCT), professionals recommend giving a temporary rest to the receptors. For this, in the middle of the course, for a period of 2 weeks, a single dosage of peptides is reduced to 0.5 μg per 1 kg of body weight. With regard to the use of peptides shorter courses (less than 2 months), this use is quite acceptable, but less effective.

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