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Doping thesis

19 Oct 2016


It should be noted that the national system of sports training especially in cyclic sports endurance is still based on the principles of construction of ineffective training loads in accordance with the idea of periodization.

Well-known American coach - scientist (Dr. physiology) D. Kaunsilmen back in the 60s of the last century has not adhered to the principles of periodization of the notorious and training programs built quite differently. His view on the construction of the training is presented in the fundamental work "The Science of navigation" and "Sport swimming." To quote him: "The phase of hard training lasts between 8 and 12 weeks. The competition season in winter pools it is in December, January, February, and the competition in the summer pool season - June, July and part of August. It was during this phase are used the most intense training load in terms of volume and intensity. "

Wards Kaunsilmena during the year were more than 150 starts and showed them good results, including exceeding the world record, it is said that their training was not a preparatory period.

D. Velzyan - known Kenyan expert on running endurance in 1966 warned African athletes on the European season training: "African athletes should not copy the European". D. Velzyan did not yet know about the periodization of training adopted in this country. This he finds only in 1968, when the domestic research work on this issue will be transferred abroad. His view: "In Africa, always good weather, so that Africans can always stay in top form (not necessarily the highest)." High competitive ability of E. Velzyan adopted in R. Clark, world record holder of those years in the long-distance running, which is applied throughout the year in their preparation, mainly the specific load. Not adopting the idea of periodization in the training process of constructing runners Kenya and Ethiopia show the results of a high international level throughout the year. Especially in the last decade clearly demonstrated by J. Komen, H. Gebrselassie, K..Bekele, set a world record in both summer and winter (indoors). It just shows that their preparation is not the preparatory period.

It seems that the domestic theory of sports training as it has been specially designed for athletes that will use the forbidden pharmacology in the training process. And, apparently, is not accidental ideas periodization found broad support among sports scientists, experts and trainers of the former GDR, which, as you know, through the use of doping in athletes training process has become one of the strongest powers in the world of sports. But the specialists and trainers of Western Soviet theory of sports training has never been popular.

"Universal conspiracy"

We can not say that the sports officials, politicians and the public of the country do not lead the fight against doping. But it seems that it is conducted efficiently. Of course, you can buy expensive anti-doping laboratory, which made our sports department before the Olympics in Turin, thus assuring fans, sports fans, that now all our Olympians will be clean. In fact, the question was not so simple. The protagonists of scandals began in 2006 Athens Olympic champion Natalya Sadova (athletics) and Dmitry Berestov (weightlifting), a promising 17-year-old weightlifter Yevgeny Pisarev and champion of the 2006 World Rowing Olga Samulenkova.

In 2007, for the use of illicit drugs were disqualified skier Sergei Shiryaev, bronze medalist of the World Cup 2001 in the hammer throw Ilya Konovalov, repeated winner of European and World Championships in swimming Anatoly Polyakov and his teammate champion and record holder Russian Anastasia Ivanenko.

During the World Rowing Championships in Munich were disqualified six athletes Russian (Denis Moiseev, Vladimir Varfolomeyev, Svetlana Fedorova, Alexander Litvinichev, Evgeny Luzyanin and Ivan Podshivalov). Recall that the international federation of rowing for violations of the WADA Code in fact sacked domestic federation for the sport before the Olympics in Beijing.

A record year for the disqualification of the leading national athletes was the year 2008. There were about two dozen. The most scandalous was the case on seven disqualified athlete - Yelena Soboleva (800 and 1500), Svetlana Cherkasova (800m), Yulia Fomenko (1500), Darya Pishchalnikova (ROM), Olga Yegorova (5000m), Gulnara Hanafeevoy (hammer) and Tatyana Tomashova ( 1500), who were accused of substitution of doping tests. In addition, the Anti-Doping Commission and the Bureau of the All-Russian Athletics Federation suspended for two years, five walkers - Vladimir Kanaikina, Alexei Voevodin, Victor Buraeva, Igor Erokhin and Sergei Morozov, implicated in the use of erythropoietin.

2009 also was not without tremendous doping scandals. For the use of doping in the training process we have been disqualified several leading 'shooting skiers "- Catherine St. George, Albina Akhatova and Dmitri Yaroshenko. At the EPO, and caught two Russian biathlete Veronika and Andrey Timofeev Prokunin who were disqualified RRF (Russian Biathlon Union). The skis were caught for doping Olympic champions Julia Chepalova and Yevgeny Dementiev, as well as members of the national team Natalia Matveeva and Nina Rysin.

The fact of the disqualification of such a large number of famous Russian athletes is not unusual. Athletes are not robots, but living people. And if they are "successful" previously used in the training process of doping, then give it some of them was not easy. Apparently, explanatory conversations, which was engaged in anti-doping center of the country, is of little use. But its main purpose - the internal control of the athletes during the training process - this structure, as can be seen, performed poorly.

We worked well technique of "protection". When an athlete or athlete caught for doping, in the course are a variety of excuses. Until such: that is guilty spouse or fiancee, who out of jealousy spiked with illegal drugs in food. Or is it the grandmother unknowingly gave granddaughter a pill Furosemide (a diuretic) that athletes use to display the body of prohibited drugs. There may even blame the whole collective vitamin plant. It was, and is, when the Winter Olympics in Turin doping caught biathlete Olga Pyleva. But the stereotype excuse for officials, coaches, medical professionals - is an alleged universal conspiracy against Russia. This practice stretches since Soviet times.

Let's start with the fact that the newly established Russian Anti-Doping Agency prohibitions and punitive measures will not solve all the problems associated with the withdrawal of the training process of doping athletes. In our view, we need a comprehensive approach to solving this problem, which could be as follows.

1. First of all, managers, coaches, professionals working with athletes both locally and in the national teams at various levels need to understand that the further use of banned stimulants in training athletes - a road to nowhere.

2. Among the coaches is widely believed that encourage athletes health biologichechkimi means (vitamins, massage, carbohydrate food ...) easier than to work hard to improve the training process, but it is not so. Medical and biological agents give real effect only in conjunction with the methodology of training and formulation of economic engineering. In other words, the method of training and production cost technology - the basis of preparation of the athlete, and no medical and biological preparations not replace it.

3. Managers and coaches federations on the sport, the representatives of which frequently convict doping should finally understand that this process can not be infinite, because it leads to the destruction of the body involved.

We are deeply convinced that this is one of the impediments to parents to enroll their children in sports schools and clubs. They want to see their children healthy, and not vice versa. And to whom to give, if the coach of a humane profession is becoming one of the most immoral. Health of the younger generation of athletes should certainly be more expensive than any medals.

4. Funds should be primarily invested in the improvement of training methodology, not in medicine, pharmacology, gene therapy technology, as the true progress in the sphere of sports has to be achieved through advanced training techniques. And they have, as you know, a long time ago not developed. And I must say frankly that Mr. N. Dopes (voluntarily or involuntarily) had a hand when led anti-doping center of the country. Anti-Doping company in our country, under his leadership, carried out sometimes formally.

5. The real alternative to doping, in our opinion, should be as follows:

1) you need to create a few training centers in the mountains for athletes involved in sports cyclic endurance.

2) must also seriously address the development of methods of training in the midlands and highlands.

This approach has significant advantages over any kind of doping techniques.

Is he:

a) is safe for the health of athletes;

b) it is not connected with doping scandals;

c) allow the athletes to participate in year-round competitions and top-class show results throughout the year, as demonstrated by endurance runners of Kenya and Ethiopia. Athletes using doping in the training process, can not do so;

g) cost effective;

d) Finally, in the Russian sphere of sports medicine according to the Hippocratic oath will their duties and truly lead the fight against illicit drugs.

6. We have a lot of chaos in their views on the methodology of training. This is due to the fact that in recent years, competition in many sports have been conducted throughout the year. There are more than four decades of periodization, designed by the famous theoretician of Sport LP Matveyev, with its principles of construction of training loads are not able to prepare the athlete so that it shows the results of first-class throughout the year.

7. It is necessary to withdraw from the university curriculum, academies and institutes of physical culture of discipline "Fundamentals of sports training" how long outdated even for its time, not to mention the present day. By the way, the teaching of the theory of sports training we associate with the study in the Soviet era, students of all universities in the country, regardless of specialty disciplines Marxist-Leninist sense, which should equip each specialist advanced theory. The theory-it was, but the desired result is not given. A similar pattern is observed in our sphere of sports. Good theory, according to its authors, is available, but the gold medals in major international competitions are won by athletes, mainly due to the use of banned stimulants.

8. Pause protection in the specialized councils of doctoral and master's theses, which cover issues of training highly skilled athletes on the basis of the principles of periodization notorious. Such theses over the last forty years in sports where doping is used, a large number of protected. However, due to wrongly chosen domestic athletes scientific concept began to show high results significantly inferior to foreign.

9. It is necessary to develop a system of material incentives for sports scientists and coaches involved in the improvement of methods of training without the use of illicit drugs. We have almost no coaches that prepare athletes-class without the use of performance-enhancing drugs. It is necessary to organize training courses of trainers, held classes where experts preparing elite athletes on the basis of modern technologies.

10. Focus your research, especially in cyclic sports-related manifestation of endurance, mainly in the hypoxic training method (the midlands and highlands, altitude chamber ...). As a control for training and competitive loads of athletes should use precision electronic heart rate monitors that have more memory and are compatible with personal computers for analysis.

11. First of all it is necessary to provide financial support from the federal program for the sport only to academic institutions, laboratories, departments and individual academics and trainers who not in words, but in fact engaged in the improvement of training technology.

12. It would be publicly called specialists, trainers, doctors, who were popularizers of doping in elite sport in the country. Identify these not be easy, as the sport federations types their names are known. This is necessary for the story. To let people know who inflicted harm and health of the nation. Otherwise it is unfair: is responsible for doping only one athlete, but we consistently proclaim the unbreakable unity of communication "athlete - coach." Call at least one coach, who has suffered at least moral damages together with their wards. But the number of disqualified athletes for the year we reach a hundred. And a large group of coaches, doctors and professionals working with them. This fact clearly shows that the fight against doping in our country was carried out mostly "for show".

13. Particular care should be approached to the selection of candidates for the title of best coach of the year. Especially if he claims a mentor of the sport, which is often used doping. It trainer must be wholly alibi that his team did not use illicit drugs. In the meantime, we are in these sports, mainly the fruit of "deserving" of trainers on the use of various stimulants.

14. It should be in the curriculum of schools of Olympic reserve, institutes, academies and universities of physical culture to introduce compulsory educational discipline "Fundamentals of countering doping." The main focus should be given to the visual demonstration of harm to health of young and adult athletes who use doping. And, of course, reveal new approaches to modern methods of training in sports endurance. Show fundamentally negative attitude of the leaders of the country, the sport and the public to famous athletes (Olympic medalist, World Championships, European ...) who have used illegal drugs in their preparation.

In conclusion, we say that our country has an urgent need to adopt a law on doping, which would allow for the use of banned stimulants prosecute athletes and persons involved. Such laws already exist in countries such as France, Austria, Italy, Greece, Spain, China and others.

If we did not realize these activities in the near future, our country and in London, Sochi and Rio will be far below the winners.

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