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Dopamine Super Motivation

19 Dec 2016

Hello everyone, today's release of the project for the development of the brain devoted to lazy bums! Have you ever wondered why the evening sometimes decide to do something in the morning (or Monday), but in the morning the full score - so just sleep a little more. This lack of motivation! Responsible for motivating Dopamine in our body. But we must not think that, "so that's why I'm so lazy - dopamine little," no, you just lazy, because lazy or do not need to strain. Dopamine is produced for "motivation", not in front of her. Because there is no desire - it means no dopamine. There is a desire - that dopamine to help, only to act. Yes, people are different, someone may have overstated the nature of the background of dopamine, impulsive people who five minutes ago, and decided to buy a mobile phone already ringing in the shops, even if they do not need. But the vast majority of the same - live stably and smoothly and strain, there is no need to try.

Dopamine - a neurotransmitter that "warms up" the excitement and interest. You know those jokes like: "I decided to wipe the mirror in the car, I do not remember anything, but washed the whole car." Dopamine helps to go further in their own interests, and creates a sense of reward for fulfilling goals. But dopamine has a big problem - it will improve the mood even while lying on the couch and fantasizing what accomplishments are coming tomorrow, so it can create the illusion of success. Ie, nothing positive has not happened yet, but the brain has already accepted the award.

How does the dopamine act?

Dopamine is produced in the hippocampus and substantia nigra (black substance) in the brain. There are at least 5 dopamine receptors, each with its own function. D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, they are conventionally divided into two subgroups on the similarity of structure, first D1 and D5, the second D2, D3, D4.

D1 - the most common in the central nervous system. Along with D5, they participate in expression of neurotrophic factors, ie increases the number of nerve cells, and are participating in the processes of energy through stimulation of adenylate cyclase, which cleaves ATP.

Unit D2, D3, D4 is associated with emotional and intellectual properties of dopamine. By the way, the increased activity of these receptors provokes the development of schizophrenia. Cocaine and Amphetamine seriously increase the production of dopamine, and blocking its reuptake. Increased load on all dopamine receptors, so regular use of drugs and stimulants stamps loonies each other.

If briefly summarize, the D1 and D5 is attached to energy / forces, and 2, 3 and 4 - emotions.

Lack and excess dopamine

Dopaminergic system - it is the whole matrix, although structurally similar to a tree. Produced dopamine in certain parts of the brain, then it has several distribution paths for the brain, is like thick branches on the tree, every path branching / crushed further.

It may be a situation that one way dopamine gets too much, the other little, but this deviation, and dopamine, without serious pharmacology, increases and decreases in all ways is roughly proportional. Paths of the lot, the head will not score, look at the main and the first - it nigrostriatal, 80% of the dopamine is moving this way. Use Mildronate.

Lack of neurotransmitter will mean a reduction of motor activity, decreased attention.

Deep negative effects are shown at approximately 85% inhibition of receptors on the way. In normal nutrition lesson in intellectual work and sports probability of bad effects is extremely low.

Excess dopamine in the nigrostriatal pathway - tremors, hyperactivity.

The 2-nd and 3-rd path of the neurotransmitter: meso-limbic and meso-cortical. They already control the level of motivation, pleasure, and reward.

When dopamine in the way a little - apathy, suicidal thoughts, do not want and do not need anything, everything is meaningless. When a lot - all something from me, all enraged, obsession, dependence on anything.

In medical practice there is such a syndrome as an obsessive-compulsive disorder. It correlates with the temporary excess of dopamine in the mesolimbic and mesocortical path.

It means obsessive-compulsive disorder. This disorder is present in 3% of people on a regular basis. If you see a man who every day puts things in a certain order or wipe the dust to 2 times a day and falls into hysterics, if something goes wrong, it is a bit crazy) This disease is defined differently, can a person love in childhood or in the years of his youth, can binding comes to physical places (bench, street, house), can to the things / objects.

And the line between normal and neurotic habit thin. If I am suspended, used fried eggs for breakfast, but this morning they do not, and I can safely eat something else, then that's fine if run faster in the shop - the neurosis.

Another interesting point: in stress, an excess of dopamine is converted to norepinephrine and epinephrine.

Pros of Dopamine

+ Dopamine makes a person more determined and enterprising

+ Dopamine improves mood

+ Dopamine improves memory

+ Dopamine creates more energy.

Cons of dopamine:

- the unpredictable behavior

- regular change of desire, I want everything at once.

Supplements that increase dopamine:

- Bromocriptine

- Ladasten

- Phenotropil

- Tyrosine


- Cabergoline

- Narcotic stimulants

- Some Ampakines

Supplements, that reduce dopamine:

- Antipsychotics

- Haloperidol

- Aminazin

- Acetylcholine (excess)

- GABA (excess)

To date, only your Mom and Dad lay genetically dopamine level. In the vast majority of situations, the dopamine level is within the reference range. It is different from all, and even determines the type of character. Therefore, to understand in advance that will likely have the neurotransmitter normally.

Maybe soon people will be able to choose their own natural amount of dopamine through changes in the genetic code, with the arms is already possible. Time will show, for better or worse.

Bottom line:

- Dopamine - an important neurotransmitter and hormone, it is often the level is responsible not only for intellectual ability, but also for the success, in general, in life. It is important not only to get false positive emotions associated with dopamine, ie useful to do something that improves a person in the long run, not to deceive the brain, playing some stupid game on the phone.

- Dopamine - is the main active substance while taking stimulant drugs.

- As with any substance it has pros and cons, we try to neutralize the cons)

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