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2.4-Dinitrophenol (DNP)

07 Dec 2016

Dinitrophenol (2.4-Dinitrophenol or abbr. 2,4-DNP, a chemical formula C6H4N2O5) - the chemical which is often used for weight loss is the most powerful burner of fat so far. Dinitrophenol is capable to separate process of oxidizing phosphorylation by transfer of protons through a mitochondrial membrane that leads to fast power consumption without synthesis of molecule ATP. It should be noted that hormones of a thyroid gland (T3 tiroksin) also cause strengthening of oxidizing phosphorylation.

2.4-Dinitrophenol (DNP)

Till 1938 Dinitrophenol was applied as official medical means to weight reduction, however it was forbidden because of development of serious side effects (injury of skin, a cataract, otitis, etc.). Now starts over again gaining popularity thanks to the Chinese producer. Is on sale as herbicide or the regulator of growth of plants.

The purified Dinitrophenol represents crystals of yellowish color sweetish on taste.

Action in a human body

Oxidizing phosphorylation (cellular respiration) is the universal mechanism of formation of energy in a cage and an organism. At the same time fats (and other nutrients) are oxidized or "burn down" in Krebs's cycle to remove protons from a mitochondrion. Thus the electrochemical gradient of protons and electrons is created. In case of an entrance to a proton mitochondrion through ATF-sintetazu 1 molecule ATP which is ready to do anything energy needs of a cage is formed.

Getting to a cell the molecule DNP carries out a role of a proton ionofor which transfers protons to a mitochondrion with emission of heat, passing an ATP synthetase, that is, without formation of ATP. Thus, fats begin to be oxidized in the increased quantity to keep formation of ATP at the necessary level, however the most part of energy is lost on heat.

The organism tries to compensate it, strengthening delivery of oxygen and nutrients to organs that leads to rising of a heat production and rising of arterial pressure, heartbeat acceleration, dyspnea. For a restore of energy consumption there is fast decomposing of fat. The reason for which drug is in such demand among bodybuilders is that it disperses a metabolism as any other of the known drugs. Even in small doses, about 3-5 mg on weight kg, drug are dispersed by a metabolism for 30%. If this dose is applied daily, the metabolism accelerates for 50%. In such regimen the organism burns about 400 g of fat a day. One of the Best drug is - Complex of cytamins for the endocrine system.

Small dosage: headaches, a flaccidity, working capacity dropping, a sweating, giddiness, dyspeptic disorders, temperature increase to 38 °C is frequent. Even at intake of 3 — 5 mg/kg the main exchange in the first hour increases for 20 — 30%, the augmentation remains within a day. At repeated receptions of such doses in 10 weeks there occurs sharp weight loss.

High dosage: to the described symptoms the dyspnea and feeling of constraint in breasts, an acceleration of pulse (to 100), syncopes, temperature increase to 39 ° increases. Reflexes aren't changed.

Overdosage: fast development of a febricula, delicacy, a respiration zatrudnennost with feeling of constraint in a breast; cyanosis, the speeded-up pulse (120 — 130); strong thirst, plentiful sweat, temperature increase to 40 °, sensation of fear. Mocheotdeleniye scanty. Mydriatic pupils, sometimes cramps, coma. Deaths at the phenomena of a fluid lungs and a brain are known. Danger is enlarged at alcohol intake and high external temperature.

The scheme of reception 2.4 Dinitrophenolums

The dosage of 2-5 mg on 1 kg of body weight (that is the single dosage makes about 200 mg) a day is usually recommended. A lethal dosage of dinitrophenolum 20-50 mg on body weight kg, that is more than tenfold excess are considered.

Lately several cases of a lethal overdosage dinitrofinoly were recorded by young people. As a rule, this drug is accepted by people with unstable mentality, especially neurasthenic girls who have no due satisfaction from a sibutramin, laxatives and diuretics any more.

Side effects of dinitrophenolum

DNP is toxiferous drug, at the same time in scientific work of Warren D. Horner is reported:

  • Dinitrofenol causes side effects from the alimentary system (meet very often): nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
  • Hyperthermia (in certain cases serves as a cause of death)
  • Damages of a skin (dermatitis, eruption, Quincke's diseases) of 8-23%
  • Cataract (mainly at women) 1-2%
  • Exudative otitis
  • Polyneuritis
  • Alopecia
  • The side effects bound to a marrow lesion

Types of DNP

At present in the market it is possible to find two types of DNP:

  • Powder DNP (Powder DNP). Is net 2.4 Dinitrophenol. Has a formula C6H4N2O5. Is light-white powder with a strong characteristic smell. At present is on sale only to the certified laboratories.
  • Crystal DNP (Crystal DNP). Is sodium salt of net DNP, it is said as dinitrophenolat of sodium (Sodium 2,4-dinitrophenolate). Has a formula C6H3N2NaO5. On force of action yields powder almost twice. Has no smell, color acid-yellow. As a rule it is bought in China as cheap fertilizer. 

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