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Dietary supplements in sports nutrition

10 Oct 2017

To achieve these goals, athletes use a variety of drugs. It is especially important that they are correctly selected and do not cause any side effects. As a rule, the action of an additive is determined by its composition. Accordingly, before using these or other dietary supplements for sports nutrition, it is important to familiarize yourself with the components.

Modern dietary supplements for sports nutrition are 100% safe. They can be taken for a long time, do not cause any side effects and the more addictive. The effect of the additive is explained by the constituents.

Components of dietary supplements in sports nutrition

Most of the additives are components such as ginseng extract, guarana, cayenne pepper, yohimbine, eucoma, green tea and coffee and others. Thanks to such components, it is possible to achieve a pronounced fat-burning effect. Complementary ingredients include caffeine, ephedrine and aspirin. This is an excellent neurostimulator, which increases endurance and allows you to transfer your workouts to a new level.

All listed components are included in fat burners. The most common among athletes are dietary supplements such as China White 25 Ephedra, Black Spider 25 Ephedra, Asia Black-25 or Diablos ECA Fire Caps. As a result of their use, the following effect occurs:

  • Increased endurance;
  • A rush of strength;
  • normalization of the psychoemotional state;
  • burning fat with energy;
  • inhibition of fat absorption.

Thanks to this, it is possible not only to reduce weight, but also to achieve a pronounced relief.

In addition to the above, sports medicine uses components such as tribulus, white tea, leuzea, vitamin B1, mint, geranium and so on. They are components of such drugs as Testoproject, D-Aspartic Acid, B-Ecdysterone or Ginseng Kianpi Pil. These dietary supplements in sports nutrition are used to normalize the level of testosterone - the hormone responsible for the sexual organs and the increase in muscle mass. At its or his lack the deposition of fatty tissues and depression of a potency is observed.

There are other dietary supplements for sports nutrition. For example, Hemosorb and Potencer have a positive effect on the blood and vascular wall. This improves the nutrition of the tissues. The organs work better and acquire resistance to negative factors. And a drug such as Hepanorm contains silymarin and curcumin, which improves the functioning of the liver, gall bladder, and muscle cells regenerate faster, which shortens the recovery period after injuries.

Buy dietary supplements for sports nutrition

Today everyone can purchase the necessary dietary supplements for sports nutrition. They are safe and at the same time most effective. You can use them both separately and as a complex. Typically, the duration of the course is 1-2 months, followed by a break. With increased stress or the presence of problems, such trauma, disruption of the liver or genitals, the courses can be repeated.

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