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Dibenkozid (Kobamamid)

11 Dec 2016

Kobamamid (synonyms: Dibenkozid, Adenozilkobalamin) is one of B12 vitamin forms, often joins in sports food and is on sale as separate additive. Is present at many vitamin and mineral complexes.

Dibenkozid is less stable form of vitamin therefore producers often recommend a sublingual way of introduction (under language). In medicine of B12 it is more often used in the form of cyanocobalamine.

The structure and form of release

Tablets for children, in packaging 50 pieces in a dose of 0.0005 g or 0.001 g. The tablets covered with a cover in packaging 100 pieces in a dose of 0.0001 g; 0.0005 g; 0.001 g. The lyophilized powder in ampoules for injections complete with solvent (1:1), in packaging 5 pieces on 0.0001 g, 0.0005 g or 0.001 g.

Effects and application

Kobamamid is applied in sport as participates in protein exchange and cell fission. In case of a lack of B12 vitamin anemia develops that extremely negatively is reflected in a physical condition. It is recommended for application during a set of muscle bulk and power trainings. It is reported about improvement of mental concentration, mood and a mental condition in general. However there are not enough scientific data which could confirm the declared effects and benefits of kobamamid before cyanocobalamine. You can buy online - Vitamin B12 cyanocobalamin injection

Administration course and doses

Inside or parenterally (intramusculary, subcutaneously or intravenously). Doses, the introduction frequency, duration are established individually.


Thromboembolism, erythremia, erythrocytes, hypersensibility to drug.

Side effects

As well as other water-soluble vitamins, dibencozide it is rather harmless. Side effects, except for an individual intolerance, no therefore it is ranked as the category of nutritional supplements (isn't medicine).

Special indicatings

At pains in heart drug should be used with care. During treatment it is regularly necessary to control a pattern of a blood and its coagulability.

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