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Dexamethasone: Instruction for application

06 Dec 2016

Dexamethasone is a glucocorticosteroid which according to Yury Bombela can be applied in bodybuilding to suppression of secretion of cortisol. It is the gross blunder as dexamethasone shows the same catabolic activity as cortisol, that is will lead to destruction of muscles, development of fragility of bones and adjournment of fat. Quickly damages of skin develop, immunity decreases. It is equivalent to introduction to an organism of exogenous cortisol which will also suppress function of adrenal glands.

Glucocorticoids in sport and bodybuilding are really applied (Dexamethasone, Beklometazon, Prednisolonum), however only to short-term increase in endurance (as this group treats stress hormones), and also suppression of an inflammation and pain at injury of joints and sheaves. Medicines of this group destroy muscular tissue.

Side effects of dexamethasone

  • The expected side effects in sport
  • Expressed to an acne
  • Ruptures of muscles and sheaves
  • Problems with a GIT
  • Dysfunction of adrenal glands
  • Liquid delay

Systemic side effects

From a nervous system and sense organs: a delirium (confusion of consciousness, exaltation, concern), a disorientation, euphoria, hallucinations, a maniacal/depressive episode, a depression or paranoia, rising of intracranial pressure with a syndrome of a congestive optic papilla (the brain pseudoneoplasm — is more often at children, usually after too bystry decrease of a dose, symptoms — a headache, deterioration in visual acuity or doubling in eyes); sleep disorder, giddiness, vertigo, headache; a sudden loss of sight (at parenteral administration in the head, a neck, nasal conchas, head skin), formation of a back cataract, rising of intraocular pressure with possible injury of an optic nerve, glaucoma, a steroid exophthalmos, development of secondary fungic or viral infections of eyes.

From cardiovascular system and a blood (hemopoiesis, hemostasis): arterial hypertension, development of a chronic heart failure (at predisposed patients), a myocardial dystrophy, hypercoagulation, a clottage, the ECG changes characteristic of hypopotassemia; at parenteral administration: rushes of blood to the person.

From GIT organs: nausea, vomiting, GIT erosive cankers, pancreatitis, erosive esophagitis, hiccup, rising/loss of appetite.

From a metabolism: Na delay + and waters (peripheric edemas), hypopotassemia, hypocalcemia, negative nitric balance in connection with a catabolism of proteins, rising of body weight.

From endocrine system: oppression of function of a cortex of adrenals, depression of tolerance to a glucose, a steroid diabetes mellitus or a manifestation of a latent diabetes mellitus, an Icenco-Cushing syndrome, hirsutism, disturbance of a regularity of a menses, a growth inhibition at children.

From a musculoskeletal system: muscular delicacy, steroid myopathy, depression of muscle bulk, osteoporosis (including spontaneous fractures of bones, aseptic necrosis of a head of a femur), rupture of tendons; muscle or joints, back pain; at intra joint introduction: intensifying of pain in joint.

From integuments: steroid acnes, striya, a thinning of skin, petechia and ecchymoma, the slowed-down adhesion of wounds, the increased diaphoresis.

Allergic reactions: a dermal eruption, urticaria, puffiness of the person, stridor or the complicated respiration, anaphylactic shock.

Other side effects of Dexamethazonum: decrease in immunity and activation of infectious diseases, withdrawal (anorexia, nausea, retardation, abdominal pain, general delicacy, etc.).

Local reactions at parenteral administration: a burning sensation, a numbness, pain, paresthesia and an infection in an injection site, formation of cicatrixes in the place of an injection; hyper-or hypopigmentation; an atrophy of a skin and a hypodermic fat (at introduction in oil).

Eye forms: at prolonged use (more than 3 weeks) rising of intraocular pressure and/or development of glaucoma with a lesion of an optic nerve, depression of visual acuity and abaissement of fields of vision, formation of a back subkapsulyarny cataract, a thinning and perforation of a cornea is possible; spread of a herpes and bacterial infection is possible; at patients with a hypersensitivity to Dexamethazonum or a benzalkoniya to Sodium chloridum the conjunctivitis and a blepharitis can develop.

Local reactions (at use of eye and/or aural forms): boring, itch and burning sensation of a skin; dermatitis.



Thanks to sharp decrease in secretion of catabolic hormones, in particular cortisol, metabolism during reception of dexamethasone is sharply displaced towards anabolism. Against the background of even small doses of androgens it can give a considerable gain of muscle bulk.

Though cannot give sometimes a set of weight goes only on a fatty way (dexamethasone increases synthesis of the highest fatty acids). There can to be also any troubles, like the same acne rash, at least, and to occur useful nothing. And that also suppression of secretion of testosterone will occur that out of "course" of AAS can give just catastrophic "collapse" of muscle bulk. So if you have decided on use of dexamethasone, do it only against the background of application of androgens and anabolic steroids. Use of dexamethasone results also in more bystry restorability after loading — besides due to suppression of secretion of catabolic hormones. So for athletes-security officers it can be very much even useful medicine.


In case of use of dexamethasone it is very important not to be overzealous in bodybuilding with dosages. In this case means only "worse" "more" — side effects begin "to get out" with really improbable force. Anyway, it is worth stopping on minimum — 0,5-1.5 mg (1-3 tablets) a day. Reception of a daily dose is made once a day — in the morning after food pass, free from a training, or besides after food for an hour - an hour and a half prior to a training. During "rate" of dexamethasone you shouldn't apply exogenous hormone of growth, in view of ability of dexamethasone very strongly to weaken action of the last. Reception of dexamethasone has to be made by short "courses" better that their duration didn't exceed 2-3 weeks. The most justified is use of dexamethasone only in days of trainings. In this case it can be applied also throughout longer period of time.


Regarding sports practice, very unpleasant phenomenon is intensifying of risk of an osteoporosis — fragility of bones can increase because drug shows opposing action in relation to vitamin D (there is "washing away" of a calcium from bones). Also at prolonged use of Dexamethazone of a ligament not just become elastic, and are softened that, naturally, also should be avoided.

Dexamethazone can't be recommended to those who have predilection to a diabetes mellitus, and especially the suffering this disease — use of this drug increases resistance to insulin. You shouldn't use drug at stomach ulcer or a duodenum, and also at a renal failure. During infectious diseases reception of Dexamethazonum should be stopped.


It is necessary to apply Dexamethazone against the background of androgens and anabolic steroids. At the same time it is impossible to forget that at simultaneous use of Dexamethazonum with estrogenic or androgenic drugs the period of its semi-removal from an organism raises, so, also the risk of side effects increases. Use along with Dexamethazone of a triyodtironin is desirable, Dexamethazonum reduces the general level of thyroid hormones in a blood plasma. Such combination will allow to avoid to some extent an adiposity in abdominal area that is very characteristic of Dexamethazonum use. Dexamethazonum reduces effect of use:

  • insulin (it is corrected by means of Metforminum);
  • anti-hypertensive drugs;
  • antibacterial drugs.

At the same time efficiency of Dexamethazone decreases such drugs as ephedrine, phenobarbital, body height hormone, aminoglutethimide (orimeten). At simultaneous use with blockers of b2-adrenoreceptors (atenolol, Corvitolum, anaprilin) there can be an expressed deficiency of a potassium in an organism. Increases removal of a potassium from an organism in case of use together with such diuretic as Furosemidum.

Dexamethazonum is included into the list of the drugs forbidden WADA.

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