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Depression in our lives

16 Dec 2016

The word "depression" is widely used in our lives. It can be heard in everyday life. It often comes in the diagnoses that put psychiatrists and psychologists. It is not without reason. As a mental disorder, depression is one of the most common.

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Domestic use of the word due to the fact, that the intuitive meaning of the term seems to be clear:

  • Reduced mood?
  • Decreased of self-esteem?
  • Almost not pleased that sooner filled life with meaning?
  • In this regard, the future is in dark tones?
  • And, of course, difficult to force myself, to do anything?

Then it is clear - you have depression!

The meaning of the term in everyday life and has a similar medicine. The most significant difference is that in everyday life, it can be used in relation to the light, unexpressed forms. Sometimes even that is that is that it is not present. But for the diagnosis "depression" is necessary for symptoms meet the criteria of ICD and prolonged their presence. To reduce depression buy – Afobazol, Selank, Phenazepam, Phenibut.

Let's take a look inside, expand the "depression" into components. They will have three and they all begin with the letter "A": apathy, anhedonia and abulia.

Apathy can be simply translated as insensibility. Insensitivity to their own experiences and what is happening around. Detachment, indifference, disregard.

Anhedonia is an inability to experience pleasure. We have already mentioned this state of the previous list. Not only that, nothing pleases, so more and the desire to enjoy life comes to naught.

Abulia is translated as lack of will. Of course, lack of will, rather the outward manifestation, that noticeable to others. Well, a man can not bring himself to do that either.

The latter, of course, may be due to the fact that just does not want. And he does not want to, because I do not feel pleasure. And so on. We immediately see that our three "A" to each other very closely related and intertwined. As, however, and everything that happens in our souls.

In what cases, you can say, "I have depression"?

If you want to justify their behavior to their families or just to scare them, then of course you can say that word with gusto and observe the reaction.

If you want to really understand their condition or state of others, then we need some caution, prudence and knowledge of the case. To do this, first of all, you should know that in extreme, severe cases of depression, a person may hold on his bed, resting his eyes on the wall, weeks, months and even years.

If you go to work, communicating with friends and family laugh, at least occasionally eat, including dessert, then the word "depression" should be used with caution. For the word "depression", so firmly ensconced in our life, may play a cruel joke. It is not, it will characterize your condition, and your condition will tend to your presentation about how to be a man is depressed. Believe me, it also happens, and very widely ...

On the other hand, in the judgments necessary to adhere to the golden mean. And if you notice some of these symptoms, then you already have the words that these symptoms can be called. And, accordingly, read about them on the Internet or by contacting them on a psychologist who advises you in person or online.

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