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Depression: Causes, Biochemistry, What to do?

22 Dec 2016

Every person in life there are times when it becomes very bad. At times, this state lasts more than one week, and substantially complicates the normal flow of life. Today we talk about depression, its stages, from the banal to the temporary differences between the doldrums, its biochemistry, and what to do?

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Philosophy of depression

Almost everything in our world is cyclical, wave character. Birth and death, summer and winter, day and night. In nature, there is not always unhappy or happy people. However, much solves the person's attitude toward the situation. It is this attitude and shifts the balance, and it turns out that one person forever miserable, gloomy and sad, and the second, which is approximately the same appearance and social status, and perhaps even worse, happier. The differences between them in nature! You can also like Phenibut.

It is clear that there are different cases, if the first broke his hand, but was preparing for a mega important competitions, the attitude to the situation it is more difficult to change. Because such cases are dramatic films and books. And also has a fun man that all trolls its gypsum and laughing all around tells how he broke it, and this is a subject for comedy.

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In general, try, whenever possible, a positive attitude to everything going on around him.

Causes of Depression

As for the causes of depression, their gobs. In general, they are divided into external and internal.

Outside it's just the injury, death, dismissal, parting with their halves and any other bad phenomena that can befall a person as a bolt from the blue. Even in the morning it could be fine, and in the evening will begin to develop severe depression. Such causes of about 65%. Of which, incidentally outright negative, which is difficult to treat positively, much less. One thing to hand was amputated and quite different: "I can not pay the loan, collectors call, how it's complicated." To understand where the pure negative, and where he plays the role of human relationship, you need to look at the problem on a universal scale. This was discussed in the release of about NLP. Introducing our beloved planet with views of the cosmos and the cry of the soul of any point of the planet. If what you hear is a smile, it's not a problem.

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Internal arise from the disruptions in the body: infection, post-disease, the consequences of drug addiction or alcoholism. Even the banal chronic lack of sleep or poor nutrition may eventually lead to depression. Read the history of how hard some peel with Phenibut, Phenazepam or Lyrica. Later in the biochemistry of depression, we will touch on hormones and neurotransmitters.

What is depression?

There are many classifications of depression, not to convert everyone in the lecture and list definitions based on the opinions of various scientists, will focus on distinctive features. So:

  • 1. Fatigue, weakness, lethargy lasting more than a month. It is particularly noteworthy continuous nature. A week may experience weakness and totally healthy person, because of a cold, bad weather, atmospheric pressure and other reasons.
  • 2.Bad mood more than 2 consecutive weeks. Week bad mood, then a couple of days everything is super, and again everything is bad - not depression. In the morning, bad, cool in the afternoon, the same thing.
  • 3.Loss of pleasure in previously favorite activities. That's like you poking around in cars or on Monday, Wednesday and Friday to play the guitar, but now everything seems meaningless, and there is nothing new that fascinates you - depression.

It is believed that only two of these three characteristics, coupled with the secondary, such as: impenetrable pessimism, suicidal thoughts, feelings of fear or helplessness, decreased self-esteem. The more matches - the more the alleged depression.

Biochemistry of Depression

Thus, an explanation of depression, in addition to those which we have all heard enough: lack of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine (called monoamine hypothesis). Besides these, the most interesting are:
1. Changes in synaptic transmission. We know that when people say to eat fish, it gets tryptophan, an amino acid such. It enters the blood and into the brain, using enzymatic reactions becomes mediator serotonin. Any calcium ions accumulate in the presynaptic membrane, they catalyst forced to free serotonin and other mediators substrates through phosphorylation by protein kinases.

In short, the lack of the garbage that is written in the mineral can lead to depression.

2. Violation of the reuptake of neurotransmitters. Original transport proteins inactivate neurotransmitters from the synaptic cleft into presynaptic membrane. Ie, the desired substances are produced, but does not work as it should, the body removes them, is like throwing a half battery charge.

3. Changes in monoamine receptors. There are less clear earlier serotonin receptors have been more, but here you drunk, and they became smaller. It used to be 3 cock of the barrel with a pick, and now pours 1. Mediators, as it were less.

How to get out of depression

Truly ingenious answer - not to get into it! So once again we recall, evaluate their problems objectively, do not be petty, do not worry about nothing. Dismissed from his job, broken car, no money - it does not matter, the main thing is not to whine, but to correct the situation. Serious real deep depression overcome physician time and effort of the person.

On the basis of biochemistry, for the destruction of social phobia and depression is canceled starting to communicate with people, preferably new, normally eat and sleep, physical activity, ideally, go to the sports section, there will be new acquaintances. So we employ serotonin and endorphins. To connect dopamine - set goals and achieve them.

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There is another very clever phrase, over which is periodically to reflect: "Depression is not to win at the former way of life and thinking." How much would you antidepressants did not eat, they give only a temporary effect.

Therefore, we are changing the way of life! Force yourself to think "differently". Otherwise, all else being equal, will return to the starting point quickly.

Next, we present a list of what can improve the state of health without the pharmacology of many things you probably never heard of.

  • 1.Do not sleep one night! Sleep deprivation not kill serotonin, if not abused, but good will pump dopamine. Around 60% of the depression weakened markedly. Go to the club, walk, make new acquaintances - to increase efficiency.
  • 2.Look at the bright things. If finances allow, you can even buy. Celebrate the dawn, sunrise or sunset spend - the mood will improve!
  • 3.You can add to the diet of sugary foods. Consuming it periodically in small quantities. Watch your weight, the extra fat increases the production of cortisol and reduces testosterone, which also worsens the mood.
  • 4.Travel. Changing the environment gives rise to the development of a variety of substances in our body, such as endorphins, acetylcholine, dopamine, which really improves the overall well-being. If the trip is pleasant, or at least not negatively. And do not idealize, then there will be a risk of inflated expect.
  • 5.Do not twist the Statement which you are unique, fantastic and a good kind person that you underestimate the world. Or do not fall into despair, you are nobody. Each person has their own pros and cons, the only difference in their number and specific weight of each.

Once watched a video of one psychologist, he told me about a very cool thing, how to find balance in their self-assessment: not stuck-up (depression on the risk of inflated expectations) or always sad (depression from reduced self-esteem).

So, he said, that they are a student with friends, deliberately lowered himself self-esteem, no matter how low or high it may be. They put themselves fake rotten and crooked teeth and got acquainted with the girls, but when you have such a radiant smile to everyone around you, your self-esteem plummeted. When they were still able to at least someone sit in a cafe, they went to the toilet, all filmed and watched the reaction of the girls.
Worsened opinion of themselves artificially, when returning to the normal state we reappear force and more honest picture of yourself.

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