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12 Feb 2017

Why treatment with vascular dystonia

Dystonia - not a disease. Some even believe that no dystonia does not exist, and all the symptoms - it is a way to attract attention, because no violations of the internal organs in the IRR can not find, and most of the time a person feels healthy. But whatever the problem is not ignored, the IRR symptoms do not disappear.

Serious attitude to the dystonia may also be due to the complexity of the treatment. What to treat if not identified the cause of violations of state? Admission symptomatic drugs only temporarily solve the problem, and the man again and again disturbed headaches or vegetative crises in the form of a panic attack. Is it worth wasting time and money? Needless to pass! Often, this approach meets with VSD in children and adolescents: some doctors and many parents believe that the child "outgrow" Why poison his medications. But it is important to keep in mind that it is in adolescence is very important not to leave anything to chance, and help the child to flatten the IRR symptoms. Please pay attention to Cerluten.

Treatment of vascular dystonia justified basic criterion: a person is suffering and needs help. Therefore, feel free to contact your doctor if these "non-serious" symptoms such as heart palpitations, headache, seizures, weakness and dizziness, you should not. First, in order to prevent more serious health problems: heart disease, brain tumors and other organs, occult blood, hormonal disorders. A new quality of life that a person receives after the start of treatment, answers the main question "why?".

Leave IRR without treatment can not be because they tend to be converted into organic in long-term existence of functional changes. In other words, if the periodic blood circulation in the body due to the spontaneous spasm of blood vessels, then over time there may develop structural changes that can not be corrected by natural means.

Contrary to the usual opinion, a cure for vascular dystonia there. Modern pharmacology has the means to influence the cause of the IRR, and not just its symptoms. Treatment long, but safe and effective, while respecting the rules of the drug. The preparation of the VVD called Eltacin: it is composed of three amino acids, which are able to establish normal regulation of the body's most natural way. Glutamic acid, glycine, cystine, that are part of the drug, are structural components of the human body. Babies Eltacin recommended 12 years.

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