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08 Feb 2017

Why do you have shortness of breath during exercise and how to get rid of it

You feel that they have become less physically familiar work quickly causes fatigue and the stairs rise causes shortness of breath? You think just tired? If rest does not help you, it is time to understand the true causes of poor health.

The cause of shortness of breath may be circulatory failure or respiratory depression. In diseases of the lung shortness of breath caused by violation of airway patency (swelling, presence of mucus, spasm) and impairment of gas exchange in the alveoli. Often, chronic bronchitis, smoker's bronchitis, tuberculosis and even occur in a hidden form, without severe symptoms, and do not come under the unaccustomed exertion, when sharply increased oxygen demand. Shortness of breath, a child may be caused by defect of the respiratory tract (usually the lungs or bronchial tubes), or congenital heart disease. You can try Actovegin.

Dyspnea - one of the key symptoms of heart failure, reduce cardiac contractile function. This may be a temporary condition caused by drug intake, infectious disease, too much exercise, or shortness of breath indicates a syndrome that developed long-term, and caused irreversible damage to the heart. The development of heart failure - a natural consequence of myocardial infarction when the die of the active fibers of the heart.

Circulatory insufficiency causes swelling and fluid accumulation in the lungs, which leads to the appearance of wheezing, shortness of breath and cough. The degree of heart failure, functional class, determined on the basis of that, when a load appears palpable shortness of breath and weakness from climbing the stairs to the third floor to the shortness of breath at rest.

If you feel bad during exercise, you should be examined by a cardiologist to exclude heart failure, or time to begin appropriate treatment.

Treatment of heart failure will reduce the severity of accompanying symptoms: fatigue, shortness of breath, drowsiness, tachycardia or arrhythmia, dizziness, hypotension, leg edema, cough in the supine position. Minutes of the treatment of heart failure include regular intake of ACE inhibitors, beta-blockers, if necessary, anti-arrhythmic drugs and nitrate (pain in the heart), decongestants and antithrombotic drugs. Preparations are selected individually adjusted assignment for each patient depending on the medical history. To improve the contractile function of the myocardium helps amino acid preparation Eltacin: it is administered in combination with the above drugs, as well as the long course after discharge from hospital.

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