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Courses of steroids for relief

12 Dec 2016

The concept "rate on drying" is very conditional as fundamental differences are covered not so much in creation of the rate, how many in a diet and trainings. Almost all rates are urgent for drying, taking into account several amendments. In this article the safest approaches in process of growth of complexity and efficiency will be considered. On application of these schemes the extensive experience at many western and domestic forums is accumulated.

Choice of medicine

It is known that anabolic steroids differ from each other not only on anabolic and androgenic properties, but also capabilities to start fat disintegration. As classical medicines for a relief (strengthening of a venous portrayal, increase in density and elasticity of muscles) are considered vinstrol and anavar. They practically don't influence amount of muscle bulk, but are capable to burn quickly fat in case of complete preserving muscles. Application of these steroids assumes presence of sufficient muscle bulk.

As safe option serves medicine with the difficult mechanism of action - Proviron. Actually it is the safest choice, however effectiveness is rather low.

Besides, are often used testosterone, primobolan, ecvipoiz (boldenon), trenbolone and masteron which in addition allow to increase amount of muscles. A new tendency is growth hormone and peptides.

Aromatasia inhibitors also promote relief due to suppression of level of estrogen.

Who suits this course?

To men 25 years for receipt of relief muscles are aged more senior. If a fatty fold on a stomach (2 cm are more left than a navel) or a hip (a forward surface, the middle) - more than 3.5 cm, then for a start you need to lose weight.

Read also:

Category: pharmacology has undressed fat loss

Diet for weight loss

Sports food for weight loss

Additional recommendations

If you want to receive the maximum result, then this course has to include also:

  • Diet during the drying and work on a relief
  • Trainings for a relief
  • Complex of sports food for a relief

The rate of hormone of growth or peptides - can add a steroid cycle, or serve the main of post course restoration. It will provide the maximum preservation of muscle bulk and relief.

Courses for drying

Week Oxandrolon Tamoxifen

1 50 mg/day -

2 50 mg/day -

3 50 mg/day -

4 50 mg/day -

5 50 mg/day -

6 50 mg/day -

7 50 mg/day -

8 - 20

9 – 10

Anavar (Anavar). Synonyms: Oxandrolone, Oxandrin, Anatrofill, Lipideks, Lonavar, to Vasoroma. Accept Anavar 3 times a day: on 20 mg: in the morning, 20 mg during the lunchtime and 10 mg in the evening (till 18:00). Don't use steroid medicines during 3kh months after a course. For additional fat-burning effect of Yu. Bombel Klenbuterol or other fat loss recommends including in a course.

Tamoxifen - in spite of the fact that àíàâàð slightly suppresses own hormonal background, it is desirable to carry out post course restoration. Reception of tamoxifen begins in 2 days after the termination of a course.

Week Vinstrol (tablets) Tamoxifenum

1 30 mg/day -

2 30 mg/day -

3 30 mg/day -

4 30 mg/day -

5 30 mg/day -

6 30 mg/day -

7 30 mg/day -

8 - 20

9 - 10

Winstrol (stanozolol). Differs in larger availability, and appreciable in smaller cost from the previous drug. The course is under construction similarly. For depression of toxicity for a liver it is possible to use an injection form (on 50 mg/days) as at oral reception all drug passes through it whereas suspension only partially (from a systemic blood flow). Though, on the other hand, the specified oral dosage isn't hazardous to health whereas injections are very morbid and rather often abscesses develop. Do not forget take Renisamin for better results.

Tableted vinstrol is possible to use in 2-3 receptions (the most part in the first half of day) on a hungry stomach. Optionally, after a cycle it is possible to spend on drink gepatoprotektor for restoration of a liver.

Combined courses

Vinstrol + testosterone

Perhaps, the most popular and effective combination for drying which allows to increase amount of dry muscle bulk also. The balance between growth of muscles and combustion of fat will depend completely on nature of food and a training.

Week Vinstrol (tablets) Testosterone propionate Anastrozol Tamoksifen

1 30 mg 100 mg every other day - -

2 30 mg 100 mg every other day 0.5 mg every other day -

3 30 mg 100 mg every other day 0.5 mg every other day -

4 30 mg 100 mg every other day 0.5 mg every other day -

5 30 mg 100 mg every other day 0.5 mg every other day -

6 30 mg 100 mg every other day 0.5 mg every other day -

7 - - - -

8 - - - 20

9 - - - 20

10 - - - 10

Testosterone propionate is short air allows to start quickly anabolism, at the same time terms of a rate are considerably reduced. In case of side effects there is an opportunity to quickly cancel medicine. Decrease in a dosage to 50 mg every other day is quite often allowed.

Aromatasia inhibitors are required even in case of low dosages of testosterone as the level of aromatization of testosterone is high therefore there is a need for prevention of estrogen side effects (liquid accumulation, ginekomastia, suppression of axis hypothalamuses-hypophyses-testicles). The low dosages of anastrozol allowing to keep the level of estrogen necessary for an organism at the same time in addition are applied to increase relief and to accelerate recovery. As confirmation serve numerous feedbacks of the western athletes and qualified specialists. Ideally acceptance of news agency is carried out under control of analyses (are appointed if the level of an estradiol is increased), however it is necessary to remember that the ginekomastia often happens irreversible. An indirect sign of excessive suppression of estrogen is decrease in a libido and violation of an erection, in this case it is necessary to lower a dosage of news agency.

Tamoxifen is a basis of post course therapy which begins in 3-5 days after a final injection of propionate. Tamoxifen can be replaced with less toxic clomifene or toremifen.

Gepatoprotektor for recovery of a liver

Week / Vinstrol (tablets) / Testosterone enantat (tsipionat) / Anastrozol / Gonadotropin / Tamoxifen

1 - 500 mg/week - - -

2 - 500 mg/week - - -

3 - 500 mg/week 0.5 mg every other day - -

4 - 500 mg/week 0.5 mg every other day - -

5 30 mg 500 mg/week 0.5 mg every other day 250ME twice a week -

6 30 mg 500 mg/week 0.5 mg every other day 250ME twice a week -

7 30 mg 500 mg/week 0.5 mg every other day 250ME twice a week -

8 30 mg 500 mg/week 0.5 mg every other day 250ME twice a week -

9 30 mg – 0.5 mg every other day 250ME twice a week -

10 30 mg - - - -

11 - - - - 20

12 - - - - 20

13 - - - - 10

Propionate is much more often applied in rates on drying, however efficiency and action actually correspond to enantat. Distinctions of this air consist only in duration of semi-life and convenience of introduction. Propionate is more expensive, has the inconvenient scheme of introduction, causes painful injections and even post-injection abscesses therefore there are all bases for its replacement by testosterone enantat or tsipionat with small modification of a course. Sustanon's use is admissible.

Increase in duration of a cycle dictates need for application of gonadotrophin. Post course therapy by tamoxifen (or its analog) begins in 1-2 days after the end of acceptance of vinstrol. By this moment the most part of testosterone will be removed from an organism. It is also possible to spend on drink gepatoprotektor for recovery of a liver.

Primobolan or Boldenon + testosterone

This combination can be used both for a set of weight, and for highly effective drying.

Week Boldenon or Primobolan / Testosteron enantat / Anastrozol / Gonadotropin / Tamoxifen

1 400 mg/week 250 mg/week - - -

2 400 mg/week 250 mg/week - - -

3 400 mg/week 250 mg/week 0.5 mg in 3 days - -

4 400 mg/week 250 mg/week 0.5 mg in 3 days - -

5 400 mg/week 250 mg/week 0.5 mg in 3 days - -

6 400 mg/week 250 mg/week 0.5 mg in 3 days - -

7 400 mg/week 250 mg/week 0.5 mg in 3 days 250 ME, twice a week -

8 400 mg/week 250 mg/week 0.5 mg in 3 days 250 ME, twice a week -

9 400 mg/week 250 mg/week 0.5 mg in 3 days 250 ME, twice a week -

10 400 mg/week 250 mg/week 0.5 mg in 3 days 250 ME, twice a week -

11 - - 0.5 mg in 3 days 250 ME, twice a week -

12 - - - - -

13 - - - - -

14 - - - - 40

15 - - - - 20

16 - - - - 10

Primobolan is rather safe medicine, with a high anabolic index. Many report about ability to strengthen a venous prorisovannost.

Boldenon (Ekvipoyz) can be applied instead of primobolan, however it is necessary to consider that he considerably increases appetite.

Testosterone enantat can be replaced on tsipionat or Sustanon or Omnadren.

Aromatasia inhibitors in this case can be not accepted as the dosage of testosterone is low. However they need to be had near at hand and to begin reception at the first signs of ginekomastia (an itch and swelling of nipples).

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