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Course of steroids after 40 years

29 Nov 2016

According to William LLewellyn, Dennis Weis and other famous specialists the strategy of creation of an optimum rate of anabolic steroids changes a little with age. It is established that general testosterone begins to decrease at men from 50─55 years by 0,8─1,6% a year, at the same time bioactive (free) testosterone decreases from 30─35 years with a speed of 23% a year. According to the data Mayo Clinic, by 70 years, the level of testosterone falls approximately for 50%. The problem of decrease in level of testosterone is one of the most urgent in medicine with age, and became a primary subject of the fifth World congress on problems of the aging men in Salzburg. It is at the moment precisely established that the male body after 50-60 years enters a condition of similar to a female menopause.

The hypophyses-hypothalamuses-testicles (HHT), and also growth of concentration of the globulin connecting sex hormones refer lowering of function of an arch to the reasons of reducing level of natural testosterone. You can also like Prostalamin.

Approximately after 40 years the following features of male physiology in response to reception of anabolic steroids are observed:

  • bigger suppression of secretion of own testosterone => slow restoration and bigger kickback of the received results
  • more expressed aromatization in estrogen => is higher risk of development of a ginekomastiya, liquid congestion
  • complications from cardiovascular system meet more often (in particular the increased arterial pressure)
  • higher risk of baldness
  • possible increase in level

All this dictates need for more careful choice the anabolic medicines, and also schemes of reception which provide the most complete recovery after a course. It should be noted that incomplete restoration can reduce fertility, it needs to be considered if children in the future are still planned.

Features of creation of a course after 40

  • It is obligatory to make the analysis on the DOG of blood (PSA, a pro-static specific anti-gene) - identification in blood of the man of endogenous substance which is produced by cells of a prostate gland. The DOG is an onkomarker of a prostate cancer. At a positive sample the course is contraindicated.
  • It is desirable to carry out laboratory analyses of hormones and a lipidic profile of blood before and after a course. If there are deviations (level of the general testosterone is especially important), then the expert in an individual order has to define the subsequent tactics.
  • Systematic control of level of arterial pressure is necessary.
  • It is necessary to apply moderate dosages of anabolic medicines
  • Duration of a course has to be short (6-8 weeks)
  • If duration of a course exceeds 6 weeks extremely surely introduction of a gonadotrophin on 500-250ME, twice a week, since 3-4 weeks of a course and prior to post course therapy. The gonadotrophin prevents a desensitization and an atrophy of testicles, and also accelerates the subsequent restoration.
  • Use of inhibitors of an aromatasia is necessary if such medicines as testosterone, metandrostenolon and the other flavored steroids are used. Inhibitors of an aromatasia interfere with development of ginekomastia, increase the muscles density (eliminate a liquid congestion), reduce suppression of an arch of GGYa. Are applied in low dosages.
  • Obligatory performing post course therapy (PKT)
  • For obtaining the maximum effect during post course therapy it is possible to conduct a course of hormone of growth or peptides. It to allow to achieve an additional relief and almost completely to keep muscle bulk, and also to strengthen ligaments and joints, to improve properties of skin.

Medicine choice. Opinions of experts disperse in two main directions. One recommend to build courses on the basis of testosterone (including combined), and others on the basis of softer anabolic means. Summarizing information, it is possible to draw a conclusion that optimum anabolic medicines for men after 40 years will be:

  • Primobolan - PKT in 2-3 weeks after the last injection.
  • Turinabol - PKT in 3 days after the end of reception.
  • Ekvipoyz - PKT in 3-4 weeks.

Testosterone enantat or tsipionat. Propionate causes androgenic side effects more often, is inconvenient in application, often there are complaints to constant pain in places of an injection. In quality it is possible to connect the front-loada on first 2-3 weeks turinabol or metandrostenolon. PKT in 2 weeks.

The listed medicines will be suitable for drying if to keep to the corresponding diet. Relief and density of muscles will provide aromatasia inhibitors. Besides, for drying the preferable choice are vinstrol and anavar.

Proviron is safe medicine with moderate activity, allows to achieve a relief and it is essential to increase sexual activity, at the same time slightly influences an endogenous hormonal background. It is of little use for a set of weight.

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