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Course of fat burners for drying

20 Oct 2017

How to choose a fat burner for drying and make a correct course? - These questions are asked by almost everyone who is not a professional athlete, but at the same time he wants to lose weight fast.

It is worth starting with the fact that 100% correct course can not be remotely made. Of course, there are general recommendations for the intake of fat burners, which we will consider, but if you want the full benefit of the drug, it is best to consult a specialist beforehand.

Recommendations for the formulation of a fat burner course

The average course lasts about a month. In general, everything depends on the composition of the drug. As a rule, fat-burning stimulants that affect the central nervous system are taken no longer than two weeks. Moreover, on non-training days it is better to refrain from using such fat burners, so as not to burden the central nervous system and give it a rest. If you take, for example, L-carnitine, then there is no significant need for restriction.

Do not use only one fat burner at all times. Periodization is important not only in terms of limiting the duration of the course, but also because of the development of tolerance of the organism to active substances. Probably, over time the effect will decrease, and you still have to try something new.

Reception - from 1 to 3 times a day. Start with minimal dosages - so you can feel the effect of the drug and avoid side effects.

It is not recommended to take fat burners before bed. Most often, there are one or more stimulating components in the composition that will not let you fall asleep. Insomnia is not the best way to fight fat deposits. The optimal time for using fat burners is just before exercise. To increase the impact, you can take drugs on an empty stomach, squeezed with enough water (about 300-500 grams).

It is not necessary to combine 2 fat burners with the same components and the nature of the effect, as this can cause the opposite effect and side reactions.

Balanced the rate of fat burners with protein and vitamin-mineral supplements. During the intake of fat burners, your metabolism will be significantly accelerated, which means that the loss of protein and beneficial microelements will increase. Do not forget about it and offset the costs. Otherwise, it may lead to a deterioration of the state of health right up to the manifestation of "pobochek".

Depending on the particular tool, the recommendations may vary. If you want to get maximum quality at the lowest price - pay attention to ECA, in particular - the production of Cloma Pharma. Any fat burner for drying from this brand is quality, effective and safe when following the instructions.

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