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Course CJC 1295 + Peg MGF

27 Oct 2017

CJC 1295 + Peg MGF is a course of peptides on dry muscle mass, quite popular among athletes who do not want to, or who do not tolerate frequent injections. The optimal combination of releasing the hormone and the Mechanical Growth Factor contributes to the increased production of its own somatotropin, and also speeds up the synthesis of the protein involved in building muscle tissue.

Goals of the peptide course

Weightlifting of the course of peptides CJC 1295 + Peg MGF has the following objectives:

Increase in power indicators;

Improved muscle nutrition and active muscle growth;

Decrease in the amount of subcutaneous fat;

Stimulation of growth of new vessels;

Strengthening of venous traction;

Increasing the body's immune forces.

Recommendations for use

The duration of the CJC 1295 + Peg MGF course should not exceed 2 months. Peg MGF is recommended to be used 3 times a week, after training (7 μg per 1 kg of weight), CJC 1295 - 2 times a week (1 μg per 1 kg of body weight). Release growth hormone is injected subcutaneously, and the Mechanical Growth Factor - both subcutaneously and intramuscularly (locally in target muscle groups). In this situation, professionals advise putting the injections symmetrically, on both sides.

Peptides can be mixed directly in a syringe (in a vial, mixing of drugs is unacceptable!). As a solvent, bactericidal or sterile water for injection can be used.

Possible side effects

Dizziness, feeling tired;

Pulsation in temples (for 30 minutes after drug administration);

Hypertrophy of the heart muscle.

Advantages of the CJC 1295 + Peg MGF course

The advantages of this course of peptides include the need to set up only five injections per week, a beneficial effect on the nervous system, the possibility of local muscle building, a pronounced increase in the effectiveness of anabolic processes.

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