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Cortexin vials - normalize brain function

25 Dec 2016

We were prescribed this drug by neurologist for a child. Since our son is 2 years old and 3 months old, and he almost never speaks. That is talking but his childhood on, it is not clear to us language. This drug Cortexin is in the words of the doctor should normalize brain function and improve the perception of information a child.

We assign them to dissolve novakoin, but they say that novakoin mutes the effect of the drug, so we decided to do them with water for injection. Having done all 10 shots in a day. It has been almost 2 weeks, results in speech, we do not notice, but it is clearly evident that the child began to understand what he is told, he learned how to hold a pen, I began to gather their own toys. In general, his actions became more conscious or something. We look forward to progress in speech development can still give the drug has an effect. We do not regret is that we did these shots, at least there is no harm

Someone from the Hong Kong - just purchased the goods:
Maltofer syrup 10mg/ml 150ml