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Cortexin vials – helped with delayed speech development

01 Jan 2017

Advantages: very efficient and helped with a delay of speech development

Disadvantages: high price, painful injections

My first birth was quite complicated, protracted. Son got the birth trauma of cervical department, developed torticollis. Up to half a year we have passed three courses of massage and active exercise therapy, whereby the effects of trauma was minimized, and the child developed in accordance with the age norm: time began to roll, just sat, crawled, stood up in support, went.

To two years of a child hardly spoke. A doctor has prescribed a complex treatment and injections “Cortexin” electrophoresis course.

Pharmachologic effect:

The drug has a positive effect on cognitive impairment, improves concentration, short-term memory, learning ability, accelerates the recovery of brain function after stress effects, regulates the level of serotonin and dopamine. It stimulates the process of mental activity, without causing excess activating influence, restores bioelectric activity of the brain. Cortexin stimulates reparative processes in the brain.

Indications for use:

- Cerebrovascular accident; - encephalopathy different genesis - acute and chronic encephalitis and encephalomyelitis; - vascular dystonia - epilepsy - brain injury - viral and bacterial neuroinfections - cerebral palsy - psychomotor and speech development delay in children; - asthenia, - impaired memory, thinking, decreased learning ability.

My baby now 2 years and 8 months. He tells poems, fairy tales, and in no way inferior to their peers.

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