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Cortexin vials - helped my son

01 Jan 2017

Cortexin was prescribed twice to my eldest son.

For the first time appointed a neurologist drug, because the child began to sit down with a slight delay and uncertainty. Cortexin we slashed by 5 mg for 10 days and the result was the face, at the son of motion became more clear and confident.

The second time his son was appointed in three years, when we noticed that the child, compared with their peers in kindergarten group, talking less, has less vocabulary. The neurologist appointed Cortexin again. The course of injections of 10 mg for 10 days. At the end of the treatment of any changes in the speech, I did not notice, but it took about two weeks and the child began to speak, it just started to improve rapidly. Cortexin gave a good impetus for the development of speech.

Side effects during the application of the preparation, was not. Conversely son became more attentive and calmer sleep.

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