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Cortexin injections – very helpful

12 Jan 2017

Advantages: available

I'll start with the fact that the child did not speak in 3.2 years. All that he could say yes, no, woman, mum (and such similar words 20) and then realized only relatives. Before “Cortexin”, we took a lot of drugs, do massage, reflexology. Nothing helped. I heard from friends that Cortexin well helps with delayed speech development, but did not dare to put. In general, then I realized that there's nowhere to wait and began to put.

We put down these injections, 40 days was the kind of effect, become repeat words and collected from the words of the sentence. Then we put down after 8 months 10 more shots. The child began to speak sentences. Now it remains to work with a speech therapist to put some sounds. In general, I think good drug.

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