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Cortexin injections - brain activity

31 Dec 2016

Advantages: Improves brain activity, normalizes the child develops speech and memory

Disadvantages: allergies, high price

In autumn 2010, after a burst of inadequate emotions, I decided to show my son neurologist. After inspection and survey were issued several drugs, including "Cortexin" for children.

The drug restores violation of cerebral circulation, memory and thinking, various disorders, improves learning ability, accelerates the process of psychomotor and speech development.

The drug is administered intramuscularly, dissolved prior to administration in 1.2 ml. 0.5% solution of procaine or Novocain. Cortexin introduce children daily, 0.5 mg / kg weight of the child. The course of treatment - 10 days.

It was injected 3 days and I began to notice a slight rash, injection was stopped, and a rash all intensified, and later the diagnosis was not comforting - atopic dermatitis. It turns out that my baby was among the three children who did not fit Cortexin for children. On the downside can be attributed, and even the price, it is quite high.

In general, the solution is very good, and convenient packaging - special disposable bottles, and, by the way, the child's condition has become much better. A week after the injections my sonny has become more and more talk. And the memory of the baby is excellent, all recounts and remembers the first time!

Usage time: 4 days

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