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Cortexin injection – good effect

01 Jan 2017

Advantages: effective result, there is a positive trend in the treatment

Disadvantages: relatively high price

Neurologist appointed us this drug, because my daughter does not want turn over, crawl in his six months. Plus we have from birth to the present day hypertonicity.

It was scary, because you do not know how small organism will react to this drug ... but I decided to take a chance, so the time comes, my daughter does not want to move too much, and the development of the child have to catch up to a year from then on will be harder. Injections pricked herself in the morning. Divorce with water for injection, although a neurologist has written Novocain.

I noticed that somewhere after the fourth injection daughter began turn over from back to stomach, but only on one side, has become more active. Today (9 shots done, tomorrow is the last) daughter turning in both directions, today overturned from stomach to back, trying to crawl, began to sleep well at night. I do not regret much that pierced Cortexin. Of course, I recommend it, but only by a doctor definitely. And it is better to dilute with water for injection or saline.

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