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Cortexin injection - effective results

01 Jan 2017

Advantages: no side effects, effective results

Disadvantages: painful injections

Sleep problems began when the child has learned to move actively (crawl, stand in support). During the night he could wake up to ten times, with sharply rising and crying in the darkness. At the next examination by a neurologist in six months complained buckled fingers on the legs. In the dream did not complain, since all felled on the teeth. The doctor prescribed a course of massage and 10 days of injections “Cortexin”. After taking the drug tone is gone, and with him nightmares. As it explained to us the doctor that our baby due to a sharp jump in the development could not settle down for the night. Excitation prevailed before braking. Cortexin put everything in its place) One feature stabbing it should be only in the morning, and it will be the opposite effect.  

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