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Cortexin - good drug, very effective

01 Jan 2017

Advantages: no side effects, very effective

My baby was born prematurely. In this regard, there were many key problems. In total, we had to go through three courses of the drug. The first course “Cortexin” we assigned when multiple cysts found in the head. Once put down the course, all brushes resolved. Then my son did not want to roll over and sit down, again helped Cortexin. Then he refused to go. And again we neurologist appointed “Cortexin” kid went on the fifth day after the start of the course. During all three courses, I have not noted any irregularities in the child's behavior, except that slept better. Now we are no different from their peers, and some even ahead of development. Of course, I am very pleased that we have registered this preparation.

The drug consists of the brain peptides cattle, it naturalness, personally, I have no doubt. Usually it is not administered in a pure form, and diluted with saline, water for injection or Novocain, since it is very painful in its purest form. It is important to keep “Cortexin” in the refrigerator, as the drug and natural warm quickly spoils.

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