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Cortexin – excellent drug, very effective

11 Jan 2017

Advantages: very effective drug for the treatment of neurological disorders in children.

Disadvantages: Possible allergic reactions

My baby is 6 months through the difficult resuscitation - respiratory arrest, cardiac, cerebral edema, coma. After that there was a strong lag in mental and physical development, mobility impairments. I thought this nightmare would never end, and my child for life will be disabled.

At 8 months, we started treatment Cortexin. The result was showed at once. After the first series of injections, approximately on the third day. It all began to wonder all wanted to touch. After three months, we pierced the second year “Cortexin”. The child has become much calmer, she began to crawl and there was the first word ... The difference was so noticeable that there is no doubt, this is clearly the merit of this drug. So we treated her to three years, and each time after a series of injections were presented by my daughter surprises. We caught up with their peers, and mentally and physically, and in some ways even surpassed.

She is now six years old, she has rich speech, in five years, we passed pre-school mathematics course, she reads books, writes poems and tales.

I want to say to parents, kids who have neurological abnormalities, if there are indications - treat “Cortexin” without hesitation. The drug is very effective. I've got friends who have neglected the "peculiarities of development of the child" in its infancy, it later resulted in mental retardation and autism.

The only thing I would like to warn - this drug, like any other can cause allergic reactions. Up to anaphylactic shock. So it is better to make the first prick test - to inject a very small dose, and look at the child's reaction.

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