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Cortexin - effective drug, restores brain activity

01 Jan 2017

Advantages: restores brain activity, effective results, helped with development delay

Disadvantages: painful injections

My 3 year old kid was a slight delay in speech development and hyperactivity. We went on developing classes - all the children sit in circles my worn. At night, I slept badly, tossing and turning for a long time. Work out with him was impossible, concentration is not enough even for one minute. The words uttered many not correct, even the most simple. If that - is not he did not, then the very psyched, often hysteria.

The doctor prescribed to us Cortexin 5mg. injections are very painful, the baby cried for about 10 minutes after the injection. But as it seemed to us, the effect was already after the first injection. And new words began to speak, and became calmer, decreased tantrums, and most importantly - in the evening fell asleep for 20 minutes. Usually I was putting him on the hour.

Day also better sleep. After injection of the course, the jump was a significant development. I know that many moms are very nervous when their child of prescribed injections and discard them. This is a very effective drug, and if your doctor has prescribed you "Cortexin" obey him.

The result of the treatment very satisfied.

Do I recommend it? If your doctor has prescribed, then yes.

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