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Cortexin injection - Headaches and dizziness decreased

01 Jan 2017

Advantages: restores activity of the brain, there is a positive trend in the treatment

Disadvantages: relatively high price

Neurologist prescribed me injections "Cortexin" as recognized changes in the vessels of the brain. I injected them very easily, without any consequences. Generally Cortexin has great effect on the whole body, "Cortexin" has nootropic action, return to normal function of the brain, improves memory and the ability of the body to stress.

After receiving I can say with confidence dizzy stopped.

The vials should definitely keep in the fridge, I was told about this at the pharmacy, thanks to them. This medication is prescribed even the small children, so they are more or less harmless.

In general, the effect of the I certainly felt on itself, and this is the most important thing! We must remember this medicine and apply it in the future.


Cortexin vials - my son speaks

01 Jan 2017

Advantages: quickly gives effective result

Now my son is 11 years old. He is a very good student in school ... but it was not always.

At 3.5 years, baby has still lacked speech. There was hyperactivity, attention deficit (inability of the child to concentrate on anything), suspected autism.

At some point, the psychiatrist prescribed Cortexin to us. We put down a course of 10 injections.

The result was not long in coming. Some words have appeared in the end of the course of injections.

My son speaks!

Six months later, we have by heart, recited poems.

Even for 3 years, we have 2 times a year (spring and autumn) were receiving injections "Cortexin" (for support). In the first class to us took off disability.

The price for it is not so high, given the natural composition.

I definitely recommend the medicine !!!


Cortexin vials - helped my son

01 Jan 2017

Cortexin was prescribed twice to my eldest son.

For the first time appointed a neurologist drug, because the child began to sit down with a slight delay and uncertainty. Cortexin we slashed by 5 mg for 10 days and the result was the face, at the son of motion became more clear and confident.

The second time his son was appointed in three years, when we noticed that the child, compared with their peers in kindergarten group, talking less, has less vocabulary. The neurologist appointed Cortexin again. The course of injections of 10 mg for 10 days. At the end of the treatment of any changes in the speech, I did not notice, but it took about two weeks and the child began to speak, it just started to improve rapidly. Cortexin gave a good impetus for the development of speech.

Side effects during the application of the preparation, was not. Conversely son became more attentive and calmer sleep.


Cortexin - effective drug, restores brain activity

01 Jan 2017

Advantages: restores brain activity, effective results, helped with development delay

Disadvantages: painful injections

My 3 year old kid was a slight delay in speech development and hyperactivity. We went on developing classes - all the children sit in circles my worn. At night, I slept badly, tossing and turning for a long time. Work out with him was impossible, concentration is not enough even for one minute. The words uttered many not correct, even the most simple. If that - is not he did not, then the very psyched, often hysteria.

The doctor prescribed to us Cortexin 5mg. injections are very painful, the baby cried for about 10 minutes after the injection. But as it seemed to us, the effect was already after the first injection. And new words began to speak, and became calmer, decreased tantrums, and most importantly - in the evening fell asleep for 20 minutes. Usually I was putting him on the hour.

Day also better sleep. After injection of the course, the jump was a significant development. I know that many moms are very nervous when their child of prescribed injections and discard them. This is a very effective drug, and if your doctor has prescribed you "Cortexin" obey him.

The result of the treatment very satisfied.

Do I recommend it? If your doctor has prescribed, then yes.


Cortexin injection – really helped

01 Jan 2017

Advantages: effective, there is a positive dynamics in the treatment

Disadvantages: Painful injections, expensive

Neurologist appointed me this drug Cortexin because of the frequent headaches, general malaise.

Injections very painful, but patience is worth. I had a course of 10 injections. Result of treatment.:

1. Headaches began to disturb a lot less, in fact, they have become less intense.

2. I became more active, drowsiness disappear inherent to me earlier.

3. I began to notice that I do work a bit faster.

In general, the drug I was pleased.

The drug is enough expensive, but the price is worth it. 


Cortexin injection – good drug

01 Jan 2017

Advantages: No side effects, good result

In 6 months the child is not trying to sit down himself. Doctor advised Cortexin. A new generation of drug released relatively recently, so is made with all the side effects from the body and as a result no side effects.

From his normal sleep restless child. It takes both adults and children, such as poor learning, with memory disorders, carelessness, etc., including for delays in development. Results after 10 injections “Cortexin”: child began to get up himself, to walk holding on to a support, more clever.


Cortexin injection - effective results

01 Jan 2017

Advantages: no side effects, effective results

Disadvantages: painful injections

Sleep problems began when the child has learned to move actively (crawl, stand in support). During the night he could wake up to ten times, with sharply rising and crying in the darkness. At the next examination by a neurologist in six months complained buckled fingers on the legs. In the dream did not complain, since all felled on the teeth. The doctor prescribed a course of massage and 10 days of injections “Cortexin”. After taking the drug tone is gone, and with him nightmares. As it explained to us the doctor that our baby due to a sharp jump in the development could not settle down for the night. Excitation prevailed before braking. Cortexin put everything in its place) One feature stabbing it should be only in the morning, and it will be the opposite effect.  


Cortexin injection - hysteria stopped

01 Jan 2017

Advantages: has a result, he noted positive dynamics, helped with the delay of speech development

Disadvantages: painful injection increased activity while taking

When my daughter was two years old, her neurologist was appointed Cortexin. The reason for this were: speech delay (complete absence), hyperactivity and unreasonable tantrums. Injections made two milliliters per day for ten days. This was accompanied by an increase in activity. After the drug daughter activity has returned to the initial phase, but unreasonable tantrums stopped. Delayed speech in our case more psychological problems than neurological.

I think that “Cortexin” helped us a lot, because my daughter began to show a keen interest in communicating with others, began to do many things on their own. important: if you decide to prick “Cortexin” your child, do it in the morning to the evening had no problems with falling asleep.


Cortexin injection - restores the activity of the brain

01 Jan 2017

Advantages: no side effects, restores the activity of the brain, head does not hurt

Disadvantages: dizziness is not removed

The drug injections Cortexin wrote neurologist when I complained to him dizzy. The diagnosis was "vegetative-vascular dystonia".

Cortexin - a nootropic medicine in ampoules, injection I did myself at home.

Without side effects.

What I noticed after application:

  • Energy became more my head became clearer;
  • dizzy is not removed. (Perhaps the reason in the neck)
  • In general, I became more cheerful. 


Cortexin injection – effective drug, result

01 Jan 2017

Advantages: effective result

Disadvantages: high price

Cortexin was assigned to my child when he was four months!

A neurologist diagnosed with: gipertezionno-hydrocephalic syndrome, myotonic syndrome! Cortexin prescribed as explained neurologist, to eliminate the consequences of the cyst in the brain to form new brain cells, as well as for the treatment of myotonic syndrome (muscles were too weak).

10 “Cortexin” injections was prescribed to my son! After the first shots of the child did not have any allergic reactions! Emotional behavior is also not changed!

After the first cycle of injections son became an active turn over, get up on all fours! A lot of chatter.

We thrust it through a couple of cycles “Cortexin” of 10 injections! After each son is constantly actively developed! What rather confirms that the drug acted!

Now the child is actively speaks, uses facial expressions, a large supply of passive words! It shows independence in all.

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