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Comprehensive assessment of the manifestations of stress

23 Feb 2017

To pass the test you will be presented with 4 blocks of signs of stress.

In each of them you have to mark those that you define for himself.

Intelligent signs of stress:
The predominance of negative thoughts
difficulty concentrating
Memory impairment indicators
Continuous rotation and fruitless thoughts about one problem
Increased distractibility
Difficulty making decisions, long-term fluctuations in the selection
Bad dreams, nightmares
Frequent errors, failures in the calculations
Passivity, a desire to shift responsibility to someone else
Violation of logic, confused thinking
Impulsiveness thinking, hasty and uninformed decisions
The narrowing of the "field of view", an apparent reduction in the possible action options

Behavioral signs of stress:
Loss of appetite or overeating
The increase in errors when performing usual activities
Faster or, alternatively, delayed speech
Trembling voice
The increase of conflict situations at work or in the family
Chronic lack of time
Reducing the time it is paid to communicate with family and friends
Loss of attention to their appearance, untidy
Anti-social behavior
The low productivity activities
Sleep disturbance or insomnia
More intensive smoking and drinking

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Emotional symptoms:
Anxiety, increased anxiety
The gloomy mood
The feeling of constant anguish, depression
Irritability, temper tantrums
Emotional 'stupidity' indifference
Cynical, inappropriate humor
Reduction of self-confidence
The decrease life satisfaction
The sense of alienation, loneliness
Loss of interest in life
Reduced self-esteem, feelings of guilt or the appearance of a discontent or their work

Physiological symptoms:
Pain in different parts of the indefinite nature of the body, headaches
Raising or lowering the AA
Fast or irregular heartbeat
Violation of digestion (constipation, diarrhea, flatulence)
Violation of freedom of breathing
The feeling of tension in the muscles
Increased fatigue
Tremors in the hands, convulsions
The emergence of allergies or other skin rashes
Increased sweating
Reduced immunity, frequent ailments
The rapid increase or loss of body weight

Your result: 1 to 4
This result shows that in the moment of life you have any significant stress is absent.

Your result: 5-12
This result indicates the presence of moderate stress, which can be compensated with the help of time management, periodic rest and finding the optimum out of the situation.

Your Score: 12-24
This result indicates the voltage enough expressed emotional and physiological systems of the body, which arose in response to a strong stress factor, which could not be compensated. In this case, it requires the use of special means and methods of coping.

Your score: 25-40
This result indicates the state of high stress, for successful overcoming of which the desired help of a psychologist or psychotherapist. This manifestation of stress suggests that the body is already close to the limit capacity to resist stress.

Your score: more than 40
This result indicates the transition of the organism to the third, most dangerous stage of stress - depletion of adopting energy. It is recommended to see a specialist immediately.

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