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Cogitum - without the side effects

20 Nov 2016

Advantages: banana flavor, without the side effects, there is an effect in the development

Disadvantages: expensive

General tonic Cogitum

The course is 1.5 months. Appointed neurologist after a visit to our complaints and that the daughter in the age of almost 3 years can not jump very bad runs and walks is not quite right.

Diagnosis: hypoxic damage to the central nervous system. pyramidal syndrome of the lower limbs with impaired gait. This means that the daughter of the residual effects of muscle tone.

Now we take the drug for a month. They began to walk much better, not so often falls and stumbles. Runs also more like normal children. No side effects were observed. On the contrary it seems to me has become much calmer and less fearful.

The preparation course is expensive, but if your child needs help, and the doctor said reception "Cogitum" justified, it is necessary to listen to the advice of a specialist.

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