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Cogitum - To break through the blockade of speech

19 Nov 2016

Advantages: sweet taste, effective

Disadvantages: high price

In 2 years the child predict a delay of speech development. Given that in the rest of the child excelled in their development. She is now 3 years and 4 months, talking like an adult, but there are problems with speech. Perhaps this is the last delivery, and if I did not give "Cogitum" would not have known to say we do or not.

We took Cogitum 12 ampoule twice a day, taking two courses. after the first week, our vocabulary has increased up to 100 words. He began to speak sentences. A second course, I spent 2 years and 7 months, speech has become even better.

In 3 years speech have got a completely different level, in his speech began to appear stunning turns of speech.

Now we have 3 years and 4 months. We read poems, retell stories, describing what he saw, sing songs.

I want to advise this drug to those parents who just like my heart is not in place by the fact that a child's speech is not all right. Besides "Cogitum" itself also strengthens the immune system. In the autumn-winter season, we almost did not hurt.

Duration of use: 1.5 years

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