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Cogitum - excellent drug

13 Nov 2016

Advantages: effective

Disadvantages: expensive

A child has problems with blood circulation, so unevenness in development. For four years the son learned to read himself to swim, had a phenomenal memory, but he could not lay down his lips and blow a bubble or normally hold a pen, a pencil.

I began to give my son Cogitum. The first week, I did not notice the change, but then I suddenly realized that he had ceased to pee in bed.

Then began to turn out the sound "L", and indeed the tongue become more mobile, just a week before we were at the a speech therapist, he said he was noticeably bad controls language and have to work with him. In general, the process has begun, we have taken it for two weeks, then went to another drug. But this shift is no longer even have a small setback.

“Cogitum” has a pleasant, taste, smell, color. Child took the entire vial. Price is expensive. But children -Our all, so do not mind, because the result is significant.

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