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Cogitum - a nice banana flavor

13 Nov 2016

Advantages: stopped to urinate in his pants, a nice banana flavor.

Disadvantages: not much impact on speech

The child was diagnosed with motor allaliya, delayed speech development, general speech disorders 1 degree. We visited a lot of neurologists, several treatment regimens have been appointed. In one of them was present drug Cogitum. Take it should within 30 days on 1/2 vial (5ml) in the morning after breakfast. Open vial can be stored in the refrigerator.

Take the entire course failed, somewhere on day 20 the baby began to hurt the stomach in the navel area, the ultrasound showed that the increased gall bladder. We had to cancel the drug.

Results of treatment of a little contradictory. The child twenty days of medication has been very active, sometimes simply inadequate. We had to resort to soothing. As a result, the child is not talking, there was a couple of new words. But the child stopped to urinate in his pants !!! For me, it was a pleasant surprise.

Now "Cogitum" neurologist prescribed youngest daughter 2.5 years. The problem is the same no coherent speech. She takes her medication three days. There is the exact same irritability, tearfulness, sleep became worse. But the problem with pot and disappeared. Dosage is a little different: one ampoule per day, morning and afternoon.

The package of 30 ampoules of 10 ml. Inside yellowish liquid with a pleasant sweet taste of bananas. Children easily accept this drug.

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