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Coaxil - Special instructions

13 Nov 2018

For a long time, tianeptine was considered the safest antidepressant, and was offered as a treatment for heroin addiction. Tianeptine - an antidepressant which was considered as not causing addiction and selling coaxil without a prescription. In the description of the application, and now indicated in the paragraph "Pharmacological properties" that "does not cause addiction ...", which is not true.

Coaxil - Special instructions

With the help of "brilliantly conducted" advertising company "Servier" the drug has become widely known among patients and doctors. And, the last two, three years, the curiosity is rather sad ...

To date, there is no serious scientific research, why coaxil as a drug, differing in the mechanism of action and the chemical composition of opiate-containing drugs, causes similarity of dependence, both in mental and physical manifestations.

When exposed to the body, in addition to the central nervous system, thrombophlebitis and severe thrombosis of the vessels often result, which lead to tissue necrosis and gangrene, which leads to forced amputation of the affected limbs. In the event that the drug is administered intravenously.

At the moment, the use of narcotics by co-addicts as a narcotic becomes more and more popular as an alternative to opium drugs, it is caused by cheapness, compared with heroin, and easy accessibility, many do not know what the effects of coaxil can be. Coaxil can be bought in pharmacies and its purchase is not difficult, coaxil price is not great. In preparation, for intravenous administration, does not require, such as "screw", the cost of time, and does not need additional ingredients. But the worst thing about using coaxil as a drug is that, in addition to the strongest physical dependence, this drug is able to cause a psychological dependence that exceeds dependence on other drugs, including it destroys the entire organism as a whole, surpasses heroin or other drugs in destructive power.

Four years ago, in one of the pharmaceutical publications, information was published that the drug on sales beats all records in absolute monetary terms among other existing psychotropic antidepressants in our country.

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