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Clenbuterol – for drying and weight loss

24 Oct 2016

Clenbuterol (Klenbuterol, "clen") - drug which is used in medicine for treatment of bronchial asthma. In recent years klenbuterol found broad application in bodybuilding and fitness in connection with its ability to burn fat therefore it is often used by athletes for weight loss and drying. Courses of a Clenbuterol often include a thyroxine and ketotifenum for weight loss process acceleration. Clenbuterol has no relation to anabolic steroids and belongs to group of adrenomimetik which have the physiological effect due to exaltation beta 2 - adrenoreceptors owing to what the sympathetic nervous system is activated and the lipolysis is started. Acquisition of drug requires the prescription.

Several scientific articles report about frequent unauthorized including of a Clenbuterol in composition of sports additives for combustion of fat.

Clenbuterol, Klenbuterol, clen

Action mechanism

Being beta-2 agonist, Clenbuterol works as a fat burner, contacting beta receptors 2 types in fatty and muscular tissue of a human body. After Clenbuterol connects to a receptor, the cascade of biochemical reactions which lead to increase in synthesis of ñAMF (cyclic adenosinemonophosphate) is started. ñAMF, in turn, activates enzymes which mobilize fatty acids from adipocytes (a cell of fatty tissue).

In case of action of a Clenbuterol on beta 2 - adrenoceptors of a presynaptic membrane allocation of noradrenaline and adrenaline which have powerful fat-burning effect amplifies. Clenbuterol increases the level of the main exchange for 20-30% of initial level.

Clenbuterol suppresses activity of a lipoproteinovy lipase therefore adjournment of fat in fatty tissue becomes impossible. Working on beta 2 - adrenoceptors of the central nervous system, this medicine strengthens secretion of hormones of a thyroid gland - natural fat burner of an organism.

Unique feature of a Clenbuterol is that it not only a powerful fat burner, but also possesses the expressed anticatabolic action, protecting muscles from destruction that is very urgent during weight loss and drying in bodybuilding. In researches it was established that anticatabolic effect of medicine is caused by blocking of Ca2 + a dependent and ubikvitin-proteasomny proteoliz.

The research of 2012 (Francesca Wannenes, Loretta Magni) confirms ability of a Clenbuterol to block mechanisms of an atrophy of muscles. The new research of 2014 has shown that β-agonists (catecholamines) released during intensive physical exercises cause the CREB mediated transcription by means of activation of his obligate coactivator of CRTC2 and Crtc3.

Unlike the catabolic activity which is usually connected with function of sympathetic nervous system, activation of proteins of Crtc/Creb in skeletal muscles of transgene mice leads to strengthening of anabolic processes and increase in synthesis of protein. Thus, at animals with an excess expression of CRTC2 cross-sectional area miofibril increases, the content of intramuscular triglycerides and the maintenance of a glycogen increases. Besides, essential increase in power indicators is noted.

At the expense of the above-named mechanisms medicine possesses moderate anabolic action that is proved in experiences in public and practical application in bodybuilding.

Considering the fact that medicine practically doesn't interact with beta 1 - adrenoceptors, there is an expansion of bronchial tubes and simplification of breath, and also much smaller frequency of side effects from cardiovascular system in comparison with not selective agonists, such as ephedrine. You can try meldonium.

Researches in public

Research Lee P. 2015 became the first reliable proof of efficiency of beta agonists in public. The analog on the action mechanism formoterol (β2 selective agonist) stimulated anabolism in a dose of 160 mkg/day, increased protein synthesis, without causing side effects from cardiovascular system, at the same time these effects are more expressed at girls.

Besides, in work of Morten Hostrup (2015) it is established that beta 2 – adrenomimetic terbutalin (10-15 mg/day) statistically significant gain of dry muscle bulk causes, increases force and endurance at the maximum load on the exercise bike.

Effects of a clenbuterol

  • Combustion of fat and drying of muscles
  • Increase in force and endurance
  • Temperature increase
  • Loss of appetite
  • Mental activation
  • Anticatabolic action
  • Anabolic action

Low frequency of side effects (practice shows that irreversible side effects almost completely are absent) and a wide number of positive effects do clenbuterol to one of the best fat burner in bodybuilding.


Men have a recommended dose of a clenbuterol for drying and weight loss makes 120 - 140 mkg a day. Women have an average dose of a clenbuterol for drying and weight loss makes 80-100 mkg a day. The course of a klenbuterol has the thin features which need to be observed strictly in order to avoid side effects.

Duration of a course of a clenbuterol makes usually 2 weeks, then accustoming (tolerance of receptors) is developed and efficiency decreases. Then it is necessary to take 2 week break with use of a ketotifen, without him the break is useless, and then to repeat a course; without ketotifen the break has to be much more. Need for a break is evidence-based in 1990: the desensitization of beta adrenoceptors develops due to phosphorylation of receptors and by other biochemical modifications at the level of secondary messengers (a kinase, a G-squirrel, etc.). On updating of these structures several days are required.

Duration and efficiency of a course of a clenbuterol, as well as it has been told, it can be increased due to inclusion of a ketotifen. Sometimes for prevention of adaptation of receptors pulse course - 2 days of reception, 2 days of rest is recommended, however this scheme is less effective.

Don't forget to accept enough a protein, BCAA and other blockers of cortisol during a cycle, it considerably will improve result. Keep to the corresponding diet for weight loss or drying.

In 2010 the research which has revealed synergy effect at a combination to anabolic steroids that confirms expediency of inclusion of medicine in the end of course EXPERT is conducted. Many experts don't recommend to combine medicine with anabolic steroids as the risk of a hypertrophy of heart increases.

Course of clenbuterol without ketotifen

  • day 1: 20 mkg (0,02mg)
  • day 2: 40 mkg (0,04mg)
  • day 3: 60 mkg (0,06mg)
  • day 4: 80 mkg (0,08mg)
  • day 5: 100 mkg (0,10 mg)
  • day 6-12: 120 mkg (0,12 mg)
  • day 13: 80 mkg (0,08 mg)
  • day 14: 40 mkg (0,04mg)
  • break

The dose of a klenbuterol has to increase progressively within the first week. Optimum time of reception of a clenbuterol - in the morning (not to provoke sleeplessness, besides in the morning efficiency of medicine is higher). At increase in a dosage begin to accept it in 2 receptions: in the morning and after a lunch.

Course clenbuterol + ketotifen

Ketotifen - antiallergic means, with unique ability to restore sensitivity beta 2 - adrenoceptors to a clenbuterol. This property has been repeatedly proved in researches. By means of a ketotifen it is possible to accelerate process of weight loss or drying for 10-20 percent and to prolong a course up to 8 weeks. To all other, ketotifen will help to eliminate mental excitement, a tremor of extremities, sleeplessness and tachycardia.

  • day 1: 20 mkg clenbuterol
  • day 2: 40 mkg clenbuterol
  • day 3: 60 mkg klenbuterol
  • day 4: 80 mkg clenbuterol
  • day 5: 100 mkg clenbuterol + 1 mg of a ketotifen
  • day 6-27: 120 mkg clenbuterol + 2 mg of a ketotifen
  • day 28: 80 mkg clenbuterol + 2 mg of a ketotifen
  • day 29: 50 mkg clenbuterol + 1-2 mg of a ketotifen
  • day 30: 33-35 mkg klenbuterol + 1 mg of a ketotifen
  • not less than two weeks of a break

Ketotifen is accepted for the night, clenbuterol - in the morning. Distribution of doses same as well as in the previous example.

Combination: For the maximum increase in efficiency of a course clenbuterol combined with tiroksiny. However in this case the risk of side effects increases.

Course klenbuterol + yohimbin


Side effects of clenbuterol are listed on emergence frequency:

  • Heartbeat (60%) - is eliminated beta 1 - adrenergic blocking agent. Accept 5 mg of Bisoprolol, or 50 mg of Metoprolol in the morning.
  • The shiver (20%) - is especially expressed in the first day of reception, then gradually dies away. Eliminated by ketotifen.
  • Perspiration (10%)
  • Sleeplessness (7%) - Eliminated by ketotifen
  • The concern (6%) - Eliminated by ketotifen
  • Increase in arterial pressure (6%) - is eliminated beta 1 - adrenergic blocking agent. Accept 5 mg of Bisoprolol, or 50 mg of Metoprolol in the morning.
  • Violation of a chair - diarrhea (5%) - as a rule, is observed only in the first days of reception of medicine
  • Nausea (3%)
  • Spasms (at overdose or at an initial stage of reception of medicine)
  • In individual cases the headache, most likely, connected with increase in arterial pressure is possible.

Apparently, many side effects of a clenbuterol can be prevented by means of a ketotifen and a bisoprolol (metoprolol). Also, it is necessary to notice that the majority of side effects are especially expressed only at the initial stages of a course, and in several days they abate or completely disappear.

In Ostapenko's book "Anabolic means" there is information on what due to accumulation of polyamines in cages, clenbuterol can cause malignant process and lead to increase in internals (in particular myocardium hypertrophies), than it is possible to explain the expressed protrusion of a forward belly wall at many modern athletes. However these statements don't have scientific and practical confirmation therefore they can only be regarded as the author's guesses. Besides, it has been defined that increase in an abdominal cavity at professional athletes is connected first of all with use of high doses of hormone of growth.

Information in some instructions on a bronchospasm after cancellation is urgent only for people of patients with asthma at whom reaction of a bronchial tree is increased.

Coffein, yohimbin, tyroksin and other stimulators significantly increase the frequency of side effects.

Clenbuterol and alcohol

It isn't recommended to combine klenbuterol and alcohol as it can strengthen nausea and heartbeat. Clenbuterol and alcohol strengthen load of cardiovascular system. Besides alcohol interferes with weight loss and drying. Alcohol destroys muscles. Read the main article: alcohol and muscles.

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