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Chorionic gonadotropin and testosterone

01 Nov 2017

Chorionic gonadotropin and testosterone are two absolutely opposite actions of the hormone, which, nevertheless, are closely related. Preparations containing in their composition these glycoproteins have found wide application in medicine, in the treatment of diseases of the male reproductive system, as well as in sports practice where they are used to increase the volume and strength of muscles.

Effect of gonadotropin on testosterone

Human chorionic gonadotropin is a peptide hormone used as an indicator of pregnancy. In clinical practice, it is used as a medicament that promotes the induction of ovulation in the ovaries (in women) and the production of testosterone in the testes (in the treatment of androgen deficiency in men).

How are chorionic gonadotropin and testosterone related? HCG produces a stimulating gonadotropic effect, enhances the production of its own testosterone and improves sperm quality.

Therapy with Gonadotropin preparations is indicated for male patients suffering from such diseases as:

  • Secondary hypogonadism;
  • Idiopathic male infertility;
  • Non-admission testicles in the scrotum (cryptorchidism);
  • Impaired spermatogenesis (oligospermia, asthenospermia, azoospermia);
  • Underdevelopment (hypoplasia) of the testicles;
  • Age-related androgen insufficiency.

There is also a normalizing effect of Gonadotropin on testosterone in the absence of secondary sexual characteristics in men, late puberty, and dysfunction of the sex glands associated with malfunctioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary system.

At the same time, Chorionic Gonadotropin and Testosterone (exogenous forms) are used as preparations of complex therapy to reduce the concentration of steroids in the blood, by stimulating the secretion of their own sex hormones.

Use of hCG in bodybuilding

In sports practice, hCG is used as a means to restore the original mass and function of the testicles after a course of steroids. In this situation, the stimulating effect of Gonadotropin on testosterone of endogenous origin, the normalization of hormonal status, the restoration of libido and spermatogenesis comes to the forefront. Also, many athletes note the positive effects of hCG on the psyche, the preservation of muscle mass during the drying period and the burning of subcutaneous fat.

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