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Chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in bodybuilding

21 Oct 2016

Chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) - is hormone which is produced by a placenta during pregnancy, and then in an invariable look is removed with urine from where it is extracted and cleared for receiving medicines. Ñhorionic gonadotropin has the same biological effects as lutenizing hormone (gonadotrophic hormone or a gonadotrophin) which is formed in a hypophysis. It is possible to get easily in drugstores without recipe.

Chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)

The last researches have shown full inefficiency of use of this medicine at the use inside as a part of nutritional supplements. From 12/6/2011 drugs and nutritional supplements the containing HCG are in the USA under a ban:

Effects of a gonadotropin

  • Stimulates synthesis of sex hormones in testicles therefore has the same range of effects as testosterone.
  • Stimulates a spermatogenesis.
  • Strengthens development of genitals and secondary sexual characteristics.
  • At women stimulates production of progesterone with a yellow body, provokes an ovulation, keeps development of a placenta.

Physiology of gonadotropin

In an organism regulation of level of a gonadotropin happens on a feedback mechanism in an axis hypothalamuses-hypophyses-testicles:

  • Gonadoliberin is developed in a hypothalamus and the gonadotropnykh of hormones stimulates emission.
  • Gonadotrophins are developed in a hypophysis and normal stimulate work of testicles, at their shortcoming there is a testicular atrophy.
  • Testosterone and anabolic steroids slow down development of a gonadoliberin and gonadotrophins owing to what there is an atrophy of testicles.

Thus, in bodybuilding, at the long use of anabolic steroids it is necessary to enter in addition gonadotropny hormone (chorionic gonadotropin) for the purpose of prevention of an atrophy of testicles.

Application of HCG in bodybuilding

In bodybuilding only one property of a gonadotropin - increase in secretion of sex hormones (testosterone) is appreciated by testicles, perhaps. Owing to what, the gonadotrophin is applied as anabolic means to a set of muscle bulk as supportive application in case of weight loss and as the constituting PCT.

Use of HCG in the anabolic purposes isn't justified and is hazardous to health. First, because the chorionic gonadotropin is less effective in comparison with anabolic steroids. Secondly, for receipt of good effect there is a need of its application for high doses (more than 4000 ME a week) that can cause irreversible violations in a physiological axis hypothalamuses-hypophyses-testicles. With respect thereto a circumstance, many articles negatively speak of HCG, forgetting about its real destination. Do not forget take Meldonium for better results.

Course chorionic gonadotropin and PCT

In bodybuilding use of chorionic gonadotropin is justified and even necessary during a course of anabolic steroids for prophylaxis of an atrophy of testicles. In this case, its use is safe as doses of drug are much lower, besides chorionic gonadotropin allows to eliminate some side effects of anabolic steroids, and also to keep the gained muscle bulk. HCG has special value if the cycle of steroids exceeds 6 weeks or high doses are used. In this situation, chorionic gonadotropin doesn't break work of an axis a hypothalamus-pituitary bodies-testicles, and that the most important, allows to keep function of testicles.

Less often chorionic gonadotropin is used as a part of post course therapy. Many believe that it should be entered before PKT as during post course therapy of HGCh can interfere with restoration.

Gonadotropin for weight loss

Relatively recently the research of the British scientist - the endocrinologist of A.T.W. Simeons in whom it is declared that the chorionic gonadotropin can be used in case of weight loss for the purpose of preserving muscle bulk was published. The scientist considers that the gonadotropin programs a hypothalamus on an expense of fatty inventories, at the same time muscles remain are protected from a catabolism. Simeons recommends using small (and therefore safe) HCG doses - 125 ME daily against the background of a low-calorie diet - less than 1500 kcal a day. This diet is practiced in many specialized centers for weight loss. It is necessary to notice that during such rate it is necessary to consume enough protein and vitamins.

Doses and receipt of chorionic gonadotropin

Now pharmaceutical industry the huge amount of medicines of the containing HCG is issued. After intramuscular introduction medicine is well soaked up. Elimination half-life makes several hours, however the effect of one injection remains within 5-6 days.

The injection chorionic gonadotropin represents the solid concluded in an ampoule (bottle). The ampoule with liquid for medicine dissolution has to be applied to a bottle with HCG. Usually it is sodium chloride solution. Powder is well dissolved in solution. The formed mix needs to be entered intramuscularly or hypodermically. If you used not all liquid, then the remains should be placed in the refrigerator. Dry HGCh should be stored in the dark place at a temperature not above +25 degrees Celsius.

Protocols of application on Michael Scally MD and Eric Potratz:

If duration of course doesn't exceed 5-6 weeks, 1 medicine in small doses is used, then there is no need for a gonadotropin. If course duration more than 6 weeks (8-12 weeks), is uprated a dosage, 2 or more medicines are used: at least, the last 3-5 weeks of course execute 2 pricks of a gonadotropin a week on 250-500 ME for preventing of an atrophy of testicles. Introduction stops after almost complete deduction of anabolic medicine, then post course therapy begins. On months-long courses the gonadotropin is entered permanently, 3-5 weeks in 1-2 weeks (it is necessary to do a break at least for 1-2 weeks for the purpose of preventing of a desensitization). According to the latest scientific data this diagram admits optimum as it allows saving function of testicles and promotes the most complete recovery after course.

If HGCh wasn't applied throughout the long or "heavy" course, then it needs to be included in composition of post course therapy, but then it should be used only at the beginning of PKT. The blust protocol according to the book William Llewellyns (Program for Wellness Restoration) by HGCh reinforced by clinical tests, according to which is most often applied it is recommended to use as a part of post course therapy on 2000 ME, every other day for 20 days for restart of an arc hypothalamuses-hypophyses-testicles; such diagram extremely isn't recommended in case of absence of complications.

The single authentic index of operation of medicine is the appropriate index v-HGCh for what the appropriate blood test is done.

For weight loss and anabolic effect it isn't recommended.

Size of testicles

Introduction of anabolic medicines leads to suppression of lutenizing hormone which supports (stimulates) normal function of testicles. After 12-16 week cycles AAS the volume of cages of Leydiga decreases by 90%, and secretion of own testosterone for 98%. Cages of Leydiga make only about 5% of the mass of a small egg.

"Attention" the Palpatorny analysis of the size of testicles is not a reliable method of assessment as volume can change very slightly (for only 5%) at almost full suppression of function.

Side effects

In case of reception of HCG there can be same ghost effects, as in case of testosterone reception. Use of a gonadotropin in heavy doses or the long time leads a hormone gonadotropin-rileasing in this connection function of a physiological axis hypothalamuses-hypophyses-testicles is broken to secretion suppression. 20 days are longer not recommended to assign heavy doses (2000-5000 ME) though according to the data Michael Scally, M.D. and to the provided row of researches , the desensitization of testicles doesn't come if the dosage doesn't exceed 500 ME or HGCh is entered less often 3kh once a week. This protocol can be considered safe even for 1-2 months.

Information that the gonadotropin can lead to pregnancy symptoms at men it is made it is absurd and isn't true.

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